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Material: Spanish
Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims
Show knowledge and skills for the coordination of the departments of purchasing, supply, production and distribution of a product to any company, analyzing different types of techniques
The aim of the course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge bases to understand the operation of business logistics management.
From theoretical and practical classes we try to provide the student with the necessary tools to be able to recognize and relate the different processes that make up the supply chain, identify the different types of chains, assess the best options for managing the different business processes; as well as providing tools for decision-making at the business level.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.
- Identify the different supply chains.
- Assess the best options when managing the different business processes.
- Provide the necessary tools to make decisions at the business level
Master Class: Expository class sessions based on the teacher's explanation attended by all students enrolled in the subject. You must attend at least 80% of the classes if you want to take the final exam. If we don’t do the final exam we can’t do the resit exam. The language of both the oral and written subject is Spanish.-
Guided learning: Debates, forums and case studies at all times led by the teacher. They will have both written and oral charge.
Autonomous learning: Solving problems proposed by the teacher. Throughout the course you will be asked to do several exercises, it is mandatory to present them all in order to access the final exam.
The aim of this activity is to learn to communicate and work as a team.
The purpose of this activity is for the student to develop skills to search for and analyze information, as well as autonomy to select appropriate resources and make decisions.
Technical visit to logistics facilities.
(Note: These activities are subject to the availability of professionals. Attendance by the student is mandatory).
UNIT 1 - Business logistics
1.1 - Introduction to business logistics
Definition of logistics and supply chain management. Historical evolution. Logistics Objectives. Functions of logistics. Logistics organization: its integration in the company and relationship between functional areas of the company.
1.2- Integration of actors and synergies
1.3- Logistics and quality.
Quality of warehouse service. Quality in internal processes. Quality and suppliers. Quality and customers.
1.4- Management of contingencies and incidents
Debugging incidents
SUBJECT 2 - The chain of supply
2.1 - Phases and operations of the supply chain
2.2 - Supply chain flows. Information flows. Material flow
2.3 - Information and communication in the supply chain
2.4 - Distribution channels. Product life cycle
SUBJECT 3 - Management and Planning
3.1 - The function of supply
3.1 - The function of supply
Role, relevance and objectives. The procurement process. Purchasing and suppliers: supplier-customer relationship (outsourcing, approval and selection of suppliers). . The just-in-time (JIT) approach and its implications for logistics.
3.2 - Inventory Management
The concept of stock. The stock according to the manufacturing strategies or point of entry of the order: Design-to-order, Make-to-order, Assembly-to-order and Make-to-stock. Inventory management: function, types and associated costs (possession, renewal / order, out of stock). The security stock: indicators and calculation. Inventory analysis and models (fixed quantity, continuous and periodic review). Service planning and stock-to-service curve.
3.3 - Supplier management
SUBJECT 4 - Management of the team of work of the warehouse
4.1- Department of Logistics and warehouse staff.
Warehouse human resources. Warehouse staff positions and functions.
4.2- Teamwork and communication.
Communication and active listening. Performance schedules. Knowledge and training of staff
UNIT 5 - Reverse Logistics
5.1- Reverse logistics in the supply chain
5.2- Phases of Reverse Logistics. Actors
5.3- Causes and Benefits
5.4- Strategies
SUBJECT 6 - Management of prevention of labor risks
6.1- Prevention measures
6.2- Protection Measures
6.3- Security measures
The activities that will be carried out during the course are made up of:
- Master Class: Expository class sessions based on the teacher's explanation attended by all students enrolled in the subject. You must attend at least 80% of the classes if you want to take the final exam. If we don’t do the final exam we can’t do the resit exam. The language of both the oral and written subject is Spanish.
Problem solving proposed by the teacher. Throughout the course you will be asked to do several exercises, it is it is mandatory to present them all in order to access the final exam.
.Guided learning: Debates, forums and case studies at all times led by the teacher. They will have both written and oral charge.
30% Class tests.
15% Teamwork
5% Presentation of teamwork
50% Final assessment
The tests taken are directly assessable, although they count as class participation and are very useful for immediately correcting aspects that were not clear in class. In addition, the type of questions in these tests can be very useful for preparing the final exam to be of a similar style.
The final assessment will consist of two parts, a first test type and another with exercises and/or development questions. The score assigned to each of the exam questions will be displayed next to the statement in the exam. The minimum grade of the Exam to be able to make an average is "5" points, otherwise, it will be retaken.
Classroom attendance:
Attendance at theoretical classes is mandatory and attendance checks will be conducted.
CASANOVAS, A., CUATRECASAS, LL. (2003) “Business Logistics: Integral management of information and material in the company”, Ediciones Gestión 2000.
PIENAAR, W., VOGT, J., CRONJE, K., KILBOURN, P., KUSSING, U., LOUW, J., VAN EDEN, J. (2013) “Business Logistics Management: A Value Chain Perspective”, Oxford University Press (Fourth Edition)
Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and Control
Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Laporte, Gilbert & Musmanno, Roberto
John Wiley & Sons, 2004, West Sussex, England
The Red Book of Logistics. Book prepared by aecocempresas- FELOG de Cereluega. Barcelona, 2015
The Mind and Heart of a Logist. Laura Pujol and Mariano Fernandez. Editorial Marge Books. Barcelona, 2016
Supply Chain Risk Management: Vulnerability and Resilience in Logistics. Donald Waters (2nd Edition): Kogan Page, London, 2011
Logistics Management and Strategy. Competing through the supply chain. (6th Edition) Alan Harrison, Heather Skipworth, Remko Van Hoek & James Aitken. Ed. Pearson, London 2019
BASU, R., NEVAN WRIGHT, J. (2008) “Total Supply Chain Management”. Published by Elsevier 2008
BOWERSOX, DJ, CLSS, DJ, COOPER, MB (2007) “Supply Chain Management and Logistics”, McGraw-Hill Publishing (2nd edition)
CASTAN FARRERO, JM, CABAÑERO PISA, C., CARBALLOSA, AN (2003) “The Logistics of the Company: Fundamentals and technologies of the information and of the communication”. Pyramid Editions
COYLE, JJ, BARDI, EJ, LANGLEY, CJ (1996) “The Management of Business Logistics” Published by West Publishing Company (Sixth Edition).
GAETA LENDÍNEZ, L. (2007) “Business Logistics Management”, Editorial Universitas, SA.
ANAYA TEJERO, JJ (1998) “The Operational Management of the Company: An approach of Integral Logistics” Editorial ESIC- Collection Company.
COOPER, MC, INNIS, DE, DICKSON, PR (1992) “Strategic Planning for Logistics”, Edited by Council of Logistics Management
MANGAN, J., LALWANI, C., BUTCHER, T. (2008) “Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management”, Edited by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd