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Establish maritime and logistics business projects that allow the creation of new companies or the improvement of existing ones, adopting innovative and creative ideas
Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims
Show knowledge of the organization of maritime, land, air and multimodal transport, customs management and international trade in order to manage and / or contract transport
Demonstrate knowledge about the structure, organization and management of ports -sport and state-of-the-art- where the traffic of people and goods, nautical leisure, fishing and tourism coexist, emphasizing cruises
Show knowledge of the ship and its recruitment for use as a means of transport for both goods and people, in an environment of sustainability and respect for the environment
The subject deals with the set of subjects and tools related to the sector
of trade and maritime transport, which allows:
1. Develop a business plan for a shipping company.
2. Solve typical case studies on maritime business problems in the context of international maritime transport.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.
1. The student will know the figures involved in maritime transport, in particular the merchant fleet, the shipping company and the agents involved in transport contracts. You will know the diversity of contracts on the use of the ship and its respective functions.
2. distinguish the different types of ships and the ways and forms of maritime transport. You will learn about the different functions of shipyards and the growing specialization of shipbuilding.
3. Know the evolution of maritime transport throughout history and the development of the fundamental instrument of maritime trade: the ship. In parallel, he will see the progress of the sciences necessary for navigation and the birth of artificial ports in the second half of the nineteenth century.
4. Know the main international standards and conventions applicable to ships and maritime transport, in particular the IMO / IMO conventions for the safety of human life at sea and for the prevention of marine pollution from of ships.
5. Know the functions and organization of ports and port terminals. It will distinguish the port services established by law, in particular the stowage service.
6. Know the main sources of information online, at international and national level, and the most relevant associations in the maritime world.
7. Recognize and distinguish the different agents involved in the maritime transport chain, their organizations and associations.
The course is scheduled in 26 seminar sessions and 4 internship sessions. There will be four exercises throughout the term on the subjects contained in the four parts of the syllabus.
The seminar sessions will combine theory sessions with exercise resolution sessions. The theoretical exposition will be interspersed with examples that will help the student to solve real situations autonomously.
1.6 Dangerous goods. Regulation and transport.
2.1 The shipping company: concept, organization, typology
2.1.1 Owner, shipowner, shipping company
2.2 The shipping business. Forms of operation of the ship
2.3 The organization of the shipping company. Fleet management. The costs of operating the ship
2.4 El broker maritime: concept and functions
2.5 The shipping agent or consignee of ships. Concept and regulation
2.6 The freight forwarder (forward). Concept and functions
2.7 The customs representative: concept and regulation. The customs office
2.8 The fishing company
2.9 The port: concept, functions and regulation
2.9.1 Management and organization of ports
2.9.2 Port terminals: types and activities. Intermodal terminals
2.9.3 Cruise Terminals
2.9.4 Ports hub and ports gate. Boats feeder
2.10 Port services. Definition and regulation.
2.10.1 Nautical port services: practice, tugs and mooring
2.10.2 The stowage service
3.1 The charter. Rental by time and by trip. Rental contract / policy
3.1.1 Complete and partial chartering. Boat rental to bare helmet
3.2 The knowledge of boarding
3.2.1 The transport in knowledge regime: functions and types
3.3 The regular line. Navigation tramp
3.4 Transport in containers
3.5 The freight. Forms of payment
4.2 The flagging of ships. The pavilions of convenience (flags of convenience)
4.3 The International Maritime Organization (IMO / IMO)
4.4 The Spanish Shipping Association (ANAVE)
4.5 BIMCO and other organizations
4.5 European maritime transport policy
A visit to the port of Barcelona is planned; a class at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, and a conference on regular passenger traffic.
The final grade will be the weighted arithmetic average of the grades of the assessment activities carried out during the quarter. To pass the course the final grade must be greater than or equal to 50 points out of 100.
The evaluation will take into account the following aspects with the weights indicated:
- Two evaluation exercises: 2 x 15 points. Total 30 points
- Four works: 4 x 5 points. Total 20 points
- A final exam that will evaluate the student's understanding of the subjects of the subject. This exam will be divided into two parts, a test (20 points) and a written exercise (30 points). Total 50 points.
For the evaluation of the subject will take into account so much the aprovechamiento of the course by part of the student (50%) like the result obtained in the final examination (50%). Students who have not taken the final exam will not be eligible for the resit exam
STOPFORD, MARTIN (2009, 3rd edition), Maritime Economics. Publisher Routledge, London.
BRANCH, ALAN E. (2012, 7th edition), Elements of Shipping. Publisher Routledge, London.
BLANCO, AQUILINO (1997), Regular Line Maritime Transports. Port Institute of Studies and Cooperation (APV).
INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SHIPBROKERS, Introduction to Shipping, London 2014.
CONWAY'S HISTORY OF THE SHIP. Especially the volumes entitled The Advent of Steam and The Shipping Revolution. Conway Maritime Press, London.
MONTORI DÍEZ, AGUSTIN; MARTÍNEZ MARÍN, JESÚS; ESCRIBANO MUÑOZ, CARLOS (2015), Manual of maritime transport. Marge Books, Barcelona.
LEVINSON, MARC, The box. How the shipping container made the world smaller and the world economy bigger. Princeton University Press.
PUJOL, LAURA and FERNÁNDEZ, MARIANO F. (2016), The mind and heart of the logistician. Marge Books, Barcelona.
CERVERA PERY, JOSÉ (1991), The Spanish Merchant Navy. History and circumstance. Editorial San Martín, Madrid.
RUIZ SOROA, JOSÉ Mª (1990), The ship, the shipping company, auxiliary personnel, Basque Institute of Public Administration, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Capt. JB COSTA (1987), Stowage Treatise, edited by the author
VALDALISO, J. (1996), The diffusion of technological change in the Spanish merchant fleet during the twentieth century. Available alternatives and conditioning factors. The Journal of Transport History, Volume 17, Number 2, September, pages 95-115.
RUIZ SOROA, JOSÉ Mª (1992), Manual of Law of Accidents of the Navigation, School of Maritime Administration, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
LANDSTRÖM, BJÖRN (1973), The ship. Editorial Juventud, Barcelona.
PASTOR PRIETO, S. (1982), Maritime transport in Spain: growth, crisis and economic policy. Bases for economic organization of the sector. Doctoral thesis published in two volumes in facsimile edition by the Servicio de Reprografía de la Editorial de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.