General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: A hard tackle from Víctor Illera to Domínguez

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Marc Badia Rosells
Maria Neus Ciurana Maynegre 
Pere Bacardit Pintó 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan


Specific skills
  • 40_4_RAE13 - You will be able to identify, following the criteria of physiotherapeutic practice, the functional state of the user, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects of this.

  • 40_4_RAE4 - It will incorporate techniques of assertiveness and social skills by applying them, in education for health in users throughout their entire life, in the realization of practical seminars.

  • 40_4_RAE26 - You will be able to present and defend before the University Court a final degree project, consisting of an integration exercise of the training content received and the skills acquired.

  • 40_4_RAE5 - You will be able to identify the factors involved in teamwork and leadership situations, in the theoretical and/or practical activities in which you work in this modality.

  • 40_4_RAE8 - You will be able to explain the pathophysiology of diseases by identifying the manifestations that appear throughout the processes, the medical-surgical treatments, fundamentally in their physiotherapeutic aspects.

  • 40_4_RAE3 - You will identify the psychological and social aspects in the physiotherapist-patient relationship, including the result in the state of health or illness of people, families and the community.

  • 40_4_RAE6 - You will analyze the anatomical structures and the physiological changes that occur in people as a result of the interventions of the physiotherapy professional, in their application in the specific subjects.


The subject HUMAN ANATOMY II is based on and expands the subject HUMAN ANATOMY I with the following contents: the teaching of the musculoskeletal system of the lower limb and the pelvis. And the morphology and functioning of the systems: reproductive, cardiovascular and lymphatic. The study of the REPRODUCTIVE, CARDIOVASCULAR and LYMPHATIC systems is necessary to approach the patient holistically, since the incorrect functioning of the different systems can influence and/or relate to musculoskeletal disorders.

The distribution of the theoretical and/or practical content of the subject can be consulted in the timetable and sections of the corresponding virtual classroom before it starts. This subject aims to introduce the gender perspective in its content and development. In addition, the objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.



  • Bibliography.
  • Operation of the subject.
  • Evaluation system.


  • Osteology of the pelvis, hip, leg and foot.
  • Arthrology of the pelvis, hip, leg and foot.
  • Myology of the pelvis, hip, leg and foot.


  • Female genital tract.
  • Male genital tract.


  • the blood Vessels: arteries and veins.
  • External configuration of the heart.
  • Internal configuration of the heart.
  • Cardiac irrigation and vascularization.


  • Morpho-functional organization of the lymphatic system.
  • Lymphatic vessel network.
  • Primary lymphatic organs.
  • Secondary lymphatic organs.


  • Palpation: Anatomical palpation of structures related to the topic of the term. With a teaching load of 8h 45min.
  • Seminar: Group activities to deepen the anatomical knowledge of the syllabus of the term. With a teaching load of 8h 45min.

Evaluation system


This subject may consider the following indicators detailed in the following table in its evaluation proposal:

Evaluation system Minimum weighting Maximum weighting
SE1. Electronic portfolio 10% 40%
SE2. Oral presentation 20% 50%
SE3. Exam 30% 60%
SE4. self-evaluation 5% 30%
SE5. Peer assessment (2P2) or co-assessment 5% 30%
















A system of quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, notable, excellent, honorary registration) is used according to RD 1125/2003.

The subjects will have evaluation and recovery activities in accordance with the teaching guide and the subject's learning plan, published in their virtual classroom and which will establish the necessary requirements to be able to participate.

In accordance with current UPF regulations, all students who, having participated in the learning and assessment activities during the term, have obtained a failing grade for the corresponding subject in the quarterly assessment may participate in the recovery process . Those who have not participated in the learning and assessment activities or who have waived the assessment will not be able to participate. If the grade is "not submitted", you will not be able to opt for recovery and therefore the subject will have to be taken again in its entirety in the following academic year.

In the event of copying, plagiarism or illegitimate use of generative artificial intelligence in any assessment activity, you must consult the TecnoCampus University Center's Undergraduate and Master's Course Assessment Regulations.




Netter, FH (2015) Atlas of Human Anatomy (6th ed). Barcelona: Elseiver Masson.

Hall, JE, Hall, ME, & Guyton, AC (2021). Guyton and Hall textbook of Medical Physiology


Diamond, M, et al. (2006) The Human Brain. Workbook. Barcelona. Editorial Ariel Neuroscience.

Fritsch, H. et al (2003). Atlas of Anatomy II. Internal Organs. Ed. Omega. Barcelona.

Chapter, W, et al. (2004) Anatomy Workbook. Barcelona Editorial Ariel Medical Sciences.

Purves D, Augustine G, Fitzpatrick D. Neuroscience. 5th edition. Madrid: Pan American; 2016 p. 209-226.

Kahle, W, et al (2003). Atlas of Anatomy III. Nervous system. Ed. Omega. Barcelona