General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: A hard tackle from Víctor Illera to Domínguez

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Javier García Pierantozzi
Sergi García Balastegui 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan


Specific skills
  • 2_4_E5_Program the process of training motor skills in their different levels and practice environments

  • 2_4_E1_Carry out the teaching-learning processes related to physical activity and sport

  • 2_4_E11_Select sports material and equipment, suitable for each type of activity and population and in safe conditions

General competencies
  • 2_2_G9_Understand the fundamentals of physical conditioning for the practice of physical activity and sport

  • 2_2_G7_Identify the effects of the practice of physical exercise on the psychological and social aspects of the human being

  • 2_2_G10_Understand the fundamentals of the game and sport

Transversal competences
  • 2_3_T6_Generate resources for adapting to new situations and solving problems, and for autonomous learning and creativity

  • 2_3_T7_Incorporate habits of excellence and quality for professional practice

  • 2_3_T5_Develop leadership skills, interpersonal relationships and teamwork


The purpose of the subject is to know the characteristics and the different possibilities that the aquatic environment offers us, as well as the tools to design and plan aquatic programs with an educational, health or recreational objective, encompassing any population.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 



1. Characteristics of the aquatic environment and equipment.

  • Flotation - Archimedes principle - apparent weight
  • Hydrostatic pressure - cohesion - surface tension
  • Water temperature
  • Chemical and thermal properties
  • Concept of depth
  • Description and classification of aquatic material

    2. Knowledge of the different aquatic programs

  • Utility Model: Knowledge of Aquatic Basic Motor Skills (HHMMBBAA).
  • Educational model: knowledge of teaching styles in the aquatic environment. Design and proposal of different types of educational tasks that enable the improvement and learning of the different basic motor skills.
  • Competitive model: knowledge of the different water sports.
  • Health and hygiene model: physical conditioning through aquatic health programs. Aquatic programs for special populations.

           3. Design and execution of aquatic sessions in different population groups.

  • Session design with the aim of improving a basic motor skill aimed at a population with and without aquatic mastery.
  • Fitness and wellness session design.
  • Design of sessions in special population.

Evaluation system

Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September) that establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications to the university degrees of official character and validity in all the state territory:

0 - 4,9: Suspended

5,0 - 6,9: Approved

7,0 - 8,9: Notable

9,0 - 10: Excellent



Evaluation activity


Assessed skills

 Individual tasks



E1, E5, E7, E11, T6, T7.

Group tasks 20%

Practical exam: Development of a session


B3, B5, G9, G10, E1, E5, E7, E11 and T5.


Participation in classroom activities and discussions, they will be evaluated as long as the attendance to practical class is at least 80%. If this minimum is not reached, the qualification of the subject will be "Not submitted" and will not be entitled to recovery. The assignment grade is the average of all assignments completed during the course, and the total must be passed with a 5 (out of 10). These tasks are not recoverable. The mark of the practical exam must be passed with a 5 (out of 10).

If the practical exam or the total of the subject is suspended, there is the possibility of recovering during the recovery period, performing a recovery exam.


Note: Repeating students will have to attend the first day of class, in order to plan with the teachers the expected participation requirements (in the classroom and in the discussion). No notes from the previous course are saved.


Evaluation activity in recovery period


Assessed skills



B3, B5, G9, G10, E1, E5, E7, E11, T5, T6 and T7


The evaluation activity will consist of a theoretical exam with questions to be developed; it will be necessary to approve with a 5 (out of 10).




Colado Sánchez, JC (2004). Physical Conditioning in Aquatic Environment. Barcelona: Paidotribo.

Cole, AJ and Becker, B. (2004). Comprehensive Aquatic Therapy. Philadelphia: Butterworth Heinemann.

De Laniza Arús, F and Torres Beltrán, A. (2006). 1060 swimming exercises and games (4th ed.). Barcelona: Paidotribo.


Lloret, M., Conde, C., Fagoaga, J., León, C. and Tricas, C. (2004). Therapeutic Swimming (5th ed.). Barcelona: Paidotribo.

Perez Fernandez, Mª. (2005). Principles of Hydrotherapy and Balneotherapy. Madrid: McGraw-Hill • Inter-American.

Mur E, Verdú A, Cirera E, Ferrer M, Nadal R. Aquatic Physiotherapy Manual [Internet]. Barcelona: College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia; 2012. 61 p. Available from:

MORER C. Thalassotherapy. Bol Soc Española Hidrol Medica. 2016;31(2):119–46.

Mur Gimeno E, Campa F, Badicu G, Castizo-Olier J, Palomera-Fanegas E, Sebio-García R. Changes in muscle contractile properties after cold- or warm-water immersion using tensiomyography: a cross-over randomized trial. Sensors. 2020; 20(11).

Watelain E, Sultana R, Faupin A, Vallier JM, Kemoun G. Aquatic activities with therapeutic purposes. EMC - Kinesitherapy - Physical Medicine. 2018 Nov 1;39(4):1–30.

Güeita-Rodríguez J, Hoyas-ávila S, Palacios-Ceña D, Molina-Rueda F. Effects of vertical water immersion on the nervous system: A systematic review. Rev. Neurol. 2019 Mar 1;68(5):181–9.

Mur-Gimeno E, Sebio-García R, Solé J, Lleida A, Moras G. Short-term effects of two different recovery strategies on muscle contractile properties in healthy active men: a randomized cross-over study. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2021; 1-9 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2021.2010978