General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Andreu Comajuncosas Fortuño

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

This subject has been successfully enrolled by a number of foreign students, most of them from Italy. Classes are taught in Catalan and students are expected to have a basic understanding of spoken Catalan. However, exams and practical reports can be written in Italian or in other languages. Public questions in the classroom and private questions to the teacher can also be asked in Italian or other languages.


Specific skills
  • CE4: Understand and apply the principles of basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and their applications in engineering.


Introduction to general chemistry emphasizing those most useful aspects within electronic and mechanical engineering. Introduction to the scientific method.

"The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards the students or towards the teachers. We trust that together we can create a space safe where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others."


1. Introduction


Science and Engineering. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

The scientific method.

Subject classes. Pure substance, homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture.

Scattered systems. Alloy, emulsion, suspension, spray, mud, smoke and foam.

Separation of mixtures. Filtration, distillation and chromatography.

Atomic models. Cathode rays. Subatomic particles. Antimatter. Isotopes. Mass spectrometer.

Periodic table. Molecular formula. Conservation of the dough.

Equalization of chemical reactions. Combination, decomposition and combustion reactions.

Too much and too much molar.

Limiting reagent and excess reagent.

Dissolution of ionic and molecular compounds. Strong and weak electrolyte. Net ionic equation.

Introduction to acid-base and redox reactions. Oxidation state.

Concentration of solutions. Molarity. Evaluation.

Internal energy, heat and work. Exothermic and endothermic process. Status functions. Enthalpy of reaction. Specific heat. Hess's law. Enthalpy of standard formation. Energy value of food and fuels.

Related activities

Questionnaire on the scientific method.

Pollution survey.


First partial test.


2. Microscopic chemistry


Light models. Electromagnetic spectrum. Photoelectric effect. Spectrum of lines.

Quantization of energy. Wave-particle duality. De Broglie's equation. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Wave function. Representation of orbitals. Quantum numbers. Spin. Pauli exclusion principle. MRI.

Electronic configuration. Hund's rule.

Periodic properties. Effective nuclear charge. Atomic radius. Ionization energy. Electronic affinity. Properties of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, chalcogens, halogens, and noble gases.

Chemical bond. Metallic, ionic and covalent bond. Lewis structures. Electronegativity. Dipolar moment. Resonance structures.

Enthalpy of bond. Explosives.

Related activities

Questionnaire on radioactivity.


First partial test.


3. Gases and liquids


Pressure. Standard atmospheric pressure.

Barometer and manometer.

Laws of Boyle, Charles and Avogadro. Ideal gas law. Molar volume of an ideal gas.

Density, partial pressure and molar fraction.

Microscopic explanation of pressure. Distribution of the velocities of molecules. Effusion. Dissemination.

Real gases. Dependence on pressure and temperature. Van Der Waals equation.

Intramolecular and intermolecular forces. London scattering force. Dipole-dipole strength. Hydrogen bridge link. Ion-dipole strength. Viscosity. Surface tension.

Phase changes. Heat of fusion, vaporization and sublimation. Critical temperature and pressure. Steam pressure. Volatility. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Phase diagram.

Solutions in water. Saturated and supersaturated solution. Solubility of solids, liquids and gases. Henry's law. Dependence on temperature.

Concentration of solutions. Collective properties. Osmosis.

Related activities


Second partial test.


4. Chemical reactions


Reaction rate. First and second order reactions. Average life. Activation energy. Arrhenius equation. Reaction mechanisms. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst. Enzymes.

Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant. Equilibria with solids or liquids. Calculation of concentrations. Principles of Le Chatelier.

Acids and bases. Conjugated pairs. Water self-ionization constant. PH scale. Strong and weak acids and bases. Dissociation constants. Ionization percentage. Polyprotic acids. Acid salts. Hydrolysis by dissolving salts.

Spontaneous, reversible and irreversible process. Entropy. Second law of thermodynamics. Standard molar entropy. Reaction entropy. Gibbs free energy.

Redox reactions. Equalization. Galvanic cell. Semi-reactions. Electrodes. Electromotive force. Standard cell potential. Standard reduction potential. Nernst equation. Concentration cell. Batteries. Fuel cell. Corrosion. Cathodic protection. Galvanized iron. Electrolysis.

Related activities


Second partial test.


5. Organic chemistry


Simple, cyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Isomers. Properties and reactions.

Functional groups. Alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines and amides. Chirality.  

Biological molecules. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids.

Related activities

Second partial test.


Evaluation system

Questionnaire on the scientific method: 10%

Radioactivity questionnaire: 10%

First partial test: 40%

Second partial test: 40%

Recovery exam: 80%

For students who do not pass the assessment during the course, 20% of the grade of the questionnaires will be maintained, and an overall retake exam will be held which will be worth 80% of the grade. In this case, the final grade of the course will be a maximum of 5.

The questionnaire on the scientific method must be delivered on time on the set date.

The radioactivity questionnaire will be accepted even if it is delivered out of time, with a penalty on its qualification.



Mario Bunge (1958). Science, its method and its philosophy. Laetoli. ISBN 9788492422593.

Theodore Brown, Eugene LeMay, Bruce Bursten, Catherine Murphy (2009). Chemistry, the central science. Pearson. ISBN 978-607-442-021-0.


Conception Flaqué, Glòria Andreu, Pilar Cortés, Llorenç Puig (2008). Chemistry for engineering. UPC editions. ISBN 9788498803556.

Concepción Herranz (2009). Chemistry for engineering. UPC editions. ISBN 978-84-9880-333-4.

Joaquim Sales, Jaume Vilarrasa (2003). Introduction to inorganic and organic chemical nomenclature. reverted ISBN 9788429175516.

Conception Flaqué, Llorenç Puig, Pilar Cortés, Glòria Andreu (2004). Chemistry in questions and problems. UPC editions. ISBN 8483017830.

Raymond Chang (2010). Chemistry McGraw-Hill. ISBN 6071503078.

José A. López (2004). Chemistry problems. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 9788420529950.