General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Joan Triadó Aymerich

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

Malgrat que la llengua de comunicació de l'assignatura és el català, no es descarta l'ús d'altres llengües que el Tecnocampus, per normativa, accepta: l'anglès i el castellà. The student can use it without any restrictions.


Specific skills
  • CE25: Train for modeling and simulation of systems.

  • CE26: Understand automatic regulation and control techniques and their application to industrial automation.


This subject deals with the analytical study of physical system models in the form of transfer functions and the application of closed loop control to these systems in order to fulfill temporal or frequency specifications, according to pre-established criteria. All this will be done through the design and incorporation of digital controllers.

It is recommended to have taken the subject of Industrial Control. 

The classroom in which the subject is taught (physically or virtually) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, whether towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 


1-Introduction to the Analysis and Modeling of analog systems (continuous variable). Mathematical models. simulation

1.1 Modeling of electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems.

1.2 Laplace transform.

1.3 Transfer functions of continuous variable systems.

1.4 Block diagrams. Signal flow graph. State transition graph.

1.5 Closed loop systems. Functional elements of the loop.

1.6 Linearization of nonlinear systems.

1.7 Dynamic systems analysis and simulation tools. Using the Matlab-Simulink environment.

2-Linear systems in discrete time. Mathematical models of discrete systems.

2.1 Counter systems. Ideal counter. Sampling theorem.

2.2 Systems with discrete time and discrete amplitude. Signal reconstruction. Zero order retainer.

2.3 Equations in differences. Transformed Z. Properties. Impulse transfer functions.

2.4 Blocks with counters in series.

2.5 Obtaining impulse transfer functions for closed loop systems.

3-Temporal response of systems in discrete time. CACSD Tools - Computer-Aided Control Systems Design.

3.1 Temporary response for discrete systems. CACSD tools.

3.2 Transformation of plane s to plane z.

3.3 Temporal specifications for discrete-time systems, correspondence between continuous and discrete systems, location of poles in the two planes for second-order systems. Case of higher order systems.

3.4 Static error for discrete closed-loop systems. Static error coefficients.

4-Study of the stability of systems in discrete time. Geometric location of the roots (LGA). Frequency methods .CACSD tools.

4.1 Stability analysis in the z plane.

4.2 Bilinear transformation. Pla w.

4.3 Analysis using the Geometric Root Site (LGA),

4.4 Frequency methods. Specifications in the frequency domain. Nyquist criteria. Work with and without Bilinear Transformation. Phase Margin and Gain Margin.

4.5 Design with the LGA Use of CACSD tools. Systems with pure delay, modeling for the discrete case. Stability.

5-Design of digital controllers

5.1 Design of advance and delay controllers for continuous systems and for discrete systems using the w plan, with frequency specifications. Calculations, according to specifications in permanent regime, of stability and of speed. For the case of advance, delay and PID; design procedures. For digital controllers, equivalence between difference equations and z-transfer functions.

5.2 PID type digital controller designs. Equations in differences and z-transfer functions of PID's according to different structures. Empirical tuning and analytical tuning, frequency type specifications, for stability.

5.3 Analytical drivers. Dust allocation controllers. When these drivers can be performed. Minimum Time Controllers.

5.4 Physical implementation of digital controllers using real-time data acquisition systems. Direct Digital Control.

Evaluation system

Evaluation Conditions:

Final Grade = 0.7 Grade Exams + 0.25 Grade Practices + 0.05 Grade Exercises. This calculation must exceed or equal 5 in order to pass the subject. 

Exam Score = Max (0.4 First Exam + 0.6 Second Exam, Second Exam)

To apply the final grade formula,

a) The Exam Grade must exceed 4. In case of not passing it, the Final Grade will be calculated according to: Final Grade = Exam Grade

b) the Note of practices has to surpass the 4. In case of not surpassing it, the Note of Practices happens to be the one of the total of the asignatura.

There will be a laboratory exam that will be worth 30% of the Practice Note.

Recovery exam: 70% of the final grade to replace the First and Second Exam. Internships can also be retrieved (Exam and reports)



Phillips, Charles L.; Nagle. Digital Control Systems. Analysis and design. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1993. ISBN 9788425213359.

Franklin, Gene F .; Powell, J. David. DIGITAL CONTROL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS. 3a. Ellis-Kagle Press, 1998. ISBN ISBN13: 978-0-9791226-1-3.

Barambones, Oscar. Digital control systems. University of the Basque Country, 2004. ISBN 8483736411.


Dorf, Richard C; Bishop, Robert H .. Modern Control Systems. 10a. Pearson-Prentice-Hall, 2005. ISBN 8420544019.

Astrom, Karl Johan; Wittenmark, Björn. Computer controlled systems. Prentice Hall, 1988.

Ogata, Katsuhiko. Modern Control Engineering. 5a. Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN 9788483226605