General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Virginia Espinosa Duro

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

Both the teaching of the subject and the teaching support material will be given in English. Regarding the conversation, questions may be asked in any of the three co-official languages ​​and they will be answered in the same language in which they were asked, in order to facilitate student understanding. 

As for the assessment activities, they will be formulated in English and you will also have to answer them, using the third language.


Specific skills
  • CE23: Understand the applications of electronic instrumentation.

  • CE24: Train to design analog, digital and power electronic systems.

Transversal competences
  • CT2: That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, assuming commitments taking into account count available resources.


The subject of Instrumentation is part of the subject of Analog Electronic Systems (#), which is taught in its entirety throughout the three terms of the third year of the Degree.

In this subject, use is made of the different techniques of analysis and electronic analog design (-and digital in the second term-), introduced in the previous electronics subjects of the degree (Analog Electronics I & II i Digital Electronics II mainly) in order to be able to acquire and process data on physico-chemical quantities, designing and understanding in this way the fundamental principles of SData Acquisition systems (DAQs).

The classroom in which the subject is taught (physically or virtually) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, whether towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 

(#): In order to register for the subject, it is strongly recommended to register in advance for the two subjects that complete the subject of Analog Electronic Systems (Analog Electronics I and II), as well as passing the subject in particular Analog Electronics II, second trimester  



1.1 Block Diagram and Terminology.

1.2 Sensory: Terminology, characteristics and classification.

1.3 Implementation of DAQs: Architectures, conditions and design criteria.


2.2 Hall sensor.

2.3 Optoelectronic sensors.

2.4 Temperature Sensors.

2.5 Extensiometric Gauges.

3. SIGNAL CONDITIONING: Specific Circuits.

3.1 Wheatstone Bridge.

3.2 Differential amplifier. CMRR.                                                                                                          

3.3 Instrumentation Amplifier: Discrete and integrated circuits.                                                                                                                  


4.1 Sampling Theory.         

4.2 Sample & Hold.

4.3 Analog-Digital Conversion.             

Evaluation system

The final grade will be the weighted average of the grades of the evaluable activities, as specified below:


It will be necessary to obtain a minimum mark of 3 in the two written tests, to be able to choose to apply the corresponding weighting.

In the case of not reaching the minimum grade in each of the partial exams, the overall grade of the subject will remain limited to 4,5 in this first phase of continuous evaluation.

If the previous assumption is given or, if the resulting average of the subject results less than 5 applying the indicated weighting, 20% of the practice grade and 15% of the grade obtained in the problem component will be maintained and a recovery mechanism for the activities corresponding to the partial exams will be activated at the same time, which will consist of the resolution of a Recovery Exam and which will account for the 65% of the total calculation of the subject, replacing the two partial exams. Practices and problems are not recovered.

In the event of passing the subject overall under this second assumption (recovery), the final mark of the subject will remain bounded a 5.



PALLÀS ARENY, Ramon, Signal Sensors and Conditioners. 4th Edition. 2005. ISBN 9788426713445.

SPINOSA DURÓ, Virginia. Notes on Sensors and Signal Conditioning: Class notes. Collection of problems. Practice file. Internal publication. Tecnocampus University Center (upf). 2024 edition.


PÉREZ GARCIA, et al., Electronic Instrumentation. Ed. Thomson. Paraninfo. 2004. ISBN 84-9732-166-9.