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Classes are taught in Catalan and students are expected to have a basic understanding of spoken Catalan. However, exams and practical reports can be written in Spanish or English. Public questions in the classroom, and private questions to the teacher, can also be asked in Spanish or English.
CE11: Knowledge of the basics of electronics.
Introduction to Electronics, based on the general structure of an electronic system at the block level.
As an example, the amplifier block is studied, which is the most important and common in electronic systems.
The components with which electronic systems are built are also presented, studying in more detail diodes, bipolar transistors and operational amplifiers.
This subject is based on the electrical systems subject. Other blocks and other components will be studied in later subjects.
1. Electronic systems. |
Description |
Signals and systems. Analog and digital quantities. Block diagrams. Amplifiers and filters. Components. Measurement systems and control systems. Distortion and noise. Technologies for electronic design. Measurement, sensors and actuators. |
Related activities |
First partial test. Exercise resolution. Laboratory practices. |
2. Components. |
Description |
Overview of electronic components. Diodes. Zener diodes. Approximate models and calculation of circuits. Graphic calculations with load lines. Rectifying circuits. Voltage multiplier. AM demodulator. Cutting circuits. Protector of an inductive circuit. Transistors. Characteristic curves. Polarization circuits. Amplifier circuits. Voltage, current and power gains. Input and output resistors. Parameters h in small signal. |
Related activities |
First partial test. Second partial test. Exercise resolution. Laboratory practices. |
3. Amplifiers. |
Description |
Mechanical and electronic amplifiers. Voltage, current and power gains. Input and output resistors. Equivalent circuit. Impedance adaptation. Frequency response. Bode diagrams. Bandwidth. Signal to noise ratio. Cascading amplifiers. Operational amplifiers. Ideal model, Real parameters. Negative feedback. Amplifiers inverter, non-inverter, follower, adder, subtractor, differential, integrator, differentiator. Positive feedback. |
Related activities |
Second partial test. Exercise resolution. Laboratory practices. |
The final grade will be the weighted average of the grades of the assessable activities:
First partial test: 35%
Second partial test: 35%
Laboratory practices: 30%
Recovery exam: 70%
There will be a first partial test in the middle of the course and a second partial test at the end of the course.
For students who do not pass the assessment during the course, 30% of the internship grade will be maintained, and an overall retake exam will be held which will be worth 70% of the grade.
The make-up exam can be used to pass the subject with a final grade of 5, but not to obtain a grade higher than 5. Laboratory activities cannot be made up.
Storey. Electronics, from systems to components. Addison-Wesley, 1995. ISBN 0-201-62572-5.
Electronics, principles and applications, 10th edition, Charles A. Schuler, McGraw Hill 2024
Marcos Faundez Zanuy. Subject transparencies [pdf], 2024 Tecnocampus
Savant, Roden, Carpenter. Electronic design, circuits and systems. Addison-Wesley, 1992. ISBN 0-201-62925-9.
Cogdell. Fundamentals of electronics. Pearson, 2000. ISBN 978-968-444-470-6.
Malvina. Principles of electronics. McGraw-Hill, 1994. ISBN 84-481-1999-1.
Hambley. Electronics. Pearson, 2001. ISBN 84-205-2999-0.
Quintáns Graña, Camilo "Simulation of electronic circuits with ORCAD PSPICE. 2nd Edition Editorial Marcombo 2022