General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: First term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Màrian Buil Fabregà

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

The language of instruction is what is determined in each activity in which you participate.


Specific skills
  • CE1: Train for the solution of mathematical problems that may arise in engineering. Ability to apply knowledge about: ¿¿linear algebra; geometry; differential geometry; differential and integral calculus; differential equations and partial derivatives; numerical methods; numerical algorithm; statistics and optimization.

  • CE2: Understanding and mastery of the basic concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves and electromagnetism and their application in solving problems specific to engineering.

  • CE3. Have a basic knowledge of the use of computer programming, operating systems, databases and computer applications in engineering.

  • CE4: Understand and apply the principles of basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and their applications in engineering.

  • CE5: To train for the spatial vision and the knowledge of the techniques of graphic representation, so much by traditional methods of metric geometry and descriptive geometry, as by means of the applications of design assisted by computer.

  • CE6: Understand the concept of company, institutional and legal framework of the company. Organization and management of companies.

  • CE7: ​​Have knowledge of applied thermodynamics and heat transmission. Its basic principles and its application to the solution of engineering problems.

  • CE8: Understand the basic principles of fluid mechanics and their application to problem solving in the field of engineering. Calculate pipes, channels and fluid systems.

  • CE9: Understand the basics of materials science, technology and chemistry. Understand the relationship between microstructure, synthesis or processing and the properties of materials.

  • CE11: Knowledge of the basics of electronics.

  • CE10: Knowledge and use of the principles of the theory of circuits and electrical machines.

  • CE12: Knowledge of the fundamentals of automation and control methods.

  • CE13: Knowledge of the principles of the theory of machines and mechanisms.

  • CE14: Knowledge and use of the principles of the resistance of materials.

  • CE15: Have basic knowledge of production and manufacturing systems.

  • CE16: Basic knowledge of environmental technologies and sustainability.

  • CE17: Applied knowledge of business organization.

  • CE18: Understand the organizational structure and functions of a project office.

  • CE19: Ability to apply electrical engineering.

  • CE20: Understand the basics and applications of analog electronics.

  • CE21: Understand the basics and applications of digital electronics and microprocessors.

  • CE22: Understand the applications of power electronics.

  • CE23: Understand the applications of electronic instrumentation.

  • CE24: Train to design analog, digital and power electronic systems.

  • CE25: Train for modeling and simulation of systems.

  • CE26: Understand automatic regulation and control techniques and their application to industrial automation.

  • CE27: Understand the principles and applications of robotic systems.

  • CE28: Apply industrial computing and communications.

  • CE29: Train to design control and automation systems.

Transversal competences
  • CT1: That the students know a third language, which will be preferably English, with an adequate level of oral and written form and in accordance with the needs of the graduates in each degree.

  • CT2: That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, assuming commitments taking into account count available resources.


  • The subject promotes an entrepreneurial attitude to make students more employable 

  • The entrepreneurial attitude is summed up in bringing ideas to action (execution)

  • It results in undertaking new projects 

           -on own account (entrepreneurship)

           -or within organizations (entrepreneurship)

  • 6 Activities must be carried out in the field of entrepreneurship and/or intrapreneurship. 

  • It is NOT taken in a specific term.

  • They are taken in one or two academic years depending on the calendar of activities in which you want to participate and the pace of the students.

  • Activities prior to subject registration may be included. 

  • Once the 6 activities have been completed, the students go through two phases: 

1.- Certify entrepreneurial competence: 

  • Presentation of your infographic in front of the court (examination calendar third term) 

  • You will get a certificate in addition to your university degree.

2.- Evaluation optional subject Entrepreneurial itinerary 

  • The activities can be organized by Tecnocampus or other recognized entities in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation, the social economy and/or the circular economy. 
  • The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.


  1. Entrepreneurial skills 

  2. Mentor

  3. Networking: Accelerate your entrepreneurial network

  4. Entrepreneurial challenge and prizes

  5. PRE-INCUBATOR: Own project

  6. Elevator Pitch: Entrepreneurial Infographic

Evaluation system

15% SHEET 1: Entrepreneurial skills 

15% SHEET 2: Mentor

15% SHEET 3: Networking: Accelerate your entrepreneurial network

15% SHEET 4: Entrepreneurial challenge and prizes

15% SHEET 5: PRE-INCUBATOR: Own project

25% SHEET 6: Elevator Pitch: Entrepreneurial infographic



Ries, E. (2014). The lean startup method. Leader Summaries.

De Bes, FT (2005). The black book of the entrepreneur. Illustrated guide that shows the main problems that entrepreneurs have when going from the idea to the development of the same.