General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Toni Sánchez Rifà

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

The documentation of the subject will be mostly in Catalan and English. Therefore, the student must be able to read English correctly.


Specific skills
  • CE3. Have a basic knowledge of the use of computer programming, operating systems, databases and computer applications in engineering.

  • CE28: Apply industrial computing and communications.

Transversal competences
  • CT2: That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, assuming commitments taking into account count available resources.


Optional subject framed in the block of the mention in Intelligent Manufacturing in Industry 4.0, with an eminently real-life approach and which allows you to enter the world of digital communications and cyber security, both in terms of communications themselves, as well as information systems in general and the own information management.

The course is divided into three blocks:

  • In the first part, the student is introduced to the world of communications. The basic components of a communications system, its mission and its implementation are presented. Emphasis is placed on IP systems, and specifically on the TCP/IP communication stack. Some of the usual services are analyzed (mail, web, DNS, DHCP, ...), analyzing the mechanisms and protocols for managing networks and the design of corporate solutions.) and ends with a practice that opens the debate on the different ways of implementing communications systems.
  • In a second part, communications and cyber security issues that are on the agenda will be discussed and their effects will be analyzed:
    • 5G communications and their applications
    • blockchain
    • how it affects digital transformation
    • artificial intelligence
    • real cases of cyber attacks and implementation of contingency plans
    • ...
  • During the first 2 parts of the course, 2/3 talks will be given by prestigious professionals who will help ground the theoretical concepts to put them into practice
  • Finally, in the third part of the course, the students will make proposals for topics to be discussed related to the scope of the subject that will end with a short synthesis work and its presentation in the classroom.

The classroom in which the subject is taught (physically or virtually) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, whether towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others. 


Content title 1:        IP networks


  • Introduction to computer networks
  • Concepts of protocol and service
  • Protocol architecture: OSI and TCP / IP models
  • Internet Protocols
  • The IP protocol
  • IP addressing, subnetting
  • Other IP support protocols (ICMP, ARP, DHCP).
  • Internet routing
  • Static and dynamic routing

Related activities

Theoretical presentation (8h)


Content title 2:        The transport layer


  • Introduction to Transport Layer Services
  • Multiplexed and demultiplexed
  • Offline transport: UDP
  • Principles of a reliable data transfer service
  • Connection-oriented transport: TCP
  • Establishment and release of TCP connection
  • TCP Congestion Control

Related activities

Theoretical presentation (8h)


Content title 3:        The link layer


  • Switching networks
  • Circuit switching: Temporary behavior
  • Message switching: Temporal and semantic behavior
  • Packet switching: virtual circuit and datagram, routing
  • Delay and Loss in Packet Switching Networks
  • Flow and congestion control
  • Error Detection and Correction Techniques
  • Environmental Access Protocols: Multiple Access with Carrier Detection (CSMA) and Collision Detection (CSMA / CD).
  • Ethernet technology
  • Wireless communication protocols

Related activities

Theoretical presentation (6h)


Content title 4:        APPLICATION PROTOCOLS


  • Basic protocols (DHCP, DNS)
  • Email protocols
  • WEB protocols
  • Protocols for real-time communications

Related activities

Theoretical presentation (8h)


Content title 5:        CORPORATE NETWORKS


  • Communications protocols in corporate networks
  • Structured wiring
  • Trunk, horizontal, endpoint subsystem

Related activities

Theoretical presentation (6h)


Content title 6:        SECURITY PROTOCOLS


  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Authentication
  • Introduction to Virtual Private Networks

Related activities

Theoretical presentation (4h)

Evaluation system

In order to pass (pass) the assessment activities, students must demonstrate:

  • That they have acquired the theoretical knowledge related to the contents of the subject and that their understanding allows them to put them into practice [MECES-2 point a, point c]
  • That they can develop solutions to problems that, although they may be similar to others seen above, present aspects that are new [MECES-2 point f]

The weight of each of the activities in the final evaluation of the subject is indicated below.

  1. 30% Written Test
  2. Architecture practice 15%
  3. Assistance and control of chat sessions 15%
  4. Synthesis work 30%
  5. Participation and attendance in class 10%

All notes are mandatory. Theory exams can be retaken. In case of not being able to evaluate any of them, the subject will have to be retaken with a written test.

For the written tests, the average of the tests must have a minimum rating of 3,5. 




Presentations and notes of the subject in Moodle.

Technical documentation of the software used in the subject