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Both the teaching of the subject and the teaching support material will be given in Catalan. As for the interlocutor, questions may be asked in either of the two co-official languages and answered in the same language as they were asked, in order to facilitate the student's comprehension.
Some sessions may include audio-visualing of materials in English as well as some exercises based on written material (mainly scientific articles and papers) also in English and Spanish.
Pel que fa a les activitats d'avaluació, es formularan en català, però es podran contestar indistintament, en català o castellà.
CE16: Basic knowledge of environmental technologies and sustainability.
CT2: That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, assuming commitments taking into account count available resources.
The subject of Sustainability broadly addresses the social, economic and environmental areas from the Industrial Revolution to the present day from the different disciplines that determine the human experience (sociology, economics, politics and technology essentially) with the purpose of first term, to analyze and diagnose missteps in this field and provide a basis for discussion in order to propose solutions in each of these three dimensions that encompasses sustainability.
In a second phase, the lines of ecological and socio-economic transition will be presented within the framework of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and European policy, to promote concrete actions and performances, in order to ensure the sustainable development of generations present and future.
The classroom in which the subject is taught (physically or virtually) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, whether towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
1 INTRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABILITY. Contextualization and Specific Terminology.
1.1 The three dimensions of Sustainability.
1.2 Sustainable Development.
1.3 Sustainable Development Goals.
2 THE PARADIGM of the twentieth century. STATE OF THE WORLD.
2.1 Socio-Economic Context:
2.1.1 Industrial Revolution. Technological Development.
2.1.2 Welfare Society. Indicators.
2.1.3 Consumerism: Product-Consumer. Advertising & Marketing. Resources & Waste.
2.1.4 Globalization.
2.1.5 Population.
2.2 Environmental Scenario. Planetary Boundaries.
2.2.1 Loss of Biodiversity.
2.2.2 Pollution: Chemical Agents.
2.2.3 Reduction of the Ozone Layer.
2.2.4 Climate Change.
3.1 Ecological Transition:
3.1.1 Contextualization and justification.
3.1.2 The European Policy:
3.1.3 Circular Economy. Conceptual Framework Objectives and Terminology. Basic Principles: C2C. Industrial Ecology. biomimesis Eco-design of the PRODUCT: Principles of Green Engineering. Ellen Macarthur proposal.
3.2 Socio-Economic Transition:
3.2.1 Contextualization and justification.
3.2.2 New Social Contract; Social Justice.
3.2.3 Economic and Social Models. New metrics.
The final grade will be the weighted average of the grades for the evaluable activities specified below:
You will need to get one minimum grade of 3 in each of the two written tests, to be able to choose to apply the corresponding weighting.
In the case of not reaching the minimum grade in each of the partial exams, the overall grade of the subject will remain limited to 4,5 in this first phase of continuous evaluation.
If the above assumption is made or, if the resulting average of the subject is lower than 5 applying the indicated weighting, the recovery mechanism for the theory component (Partial exams 1 and 2) will be activated, which will consist of the resolution of a Recovery exam of the theory component and which will account for the 50% of the total calculation of the same.
In the case of passing the subject overall under this second recovery assumption, the final mark of the subject will remain bounded a 5.
WEETMAN, Catherine, A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains. Publisher: Kogan. 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0749476755.
SPINOSA DURÓ, Virginia. Notes on Sustainability. Internal Publication Tecnocampus University Center (upf). 2024 edition.
CAVAGNARO Elena and CURIEL George, The Three Levels of Sustainability. Ed. Greehleaf Publishing. 2012. ISBN-13: 978-1906093-68-6.
McDONOUGH, William and BRAUNGART, Michael. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the way we make things. Ed: Rodale Press. 2003. ISBN-13: 978-0865475878.
MILLER, Tyler G. Jr., Environmental Science: Sustainable Development. A comprehensive approach. 5th Edition. Ed. International Thomson. 8th Edition. 2007. ISBN: 978-9706867803.