General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: First term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Julián Horrillo Tello

Teaching languages

  • Catalan



Specific skills
  • CE15: Have basic knowledge of production and manufacturing systems.

  • CE17: Applied knowledge of business organization.


Subject framed within the Elective subject, with an eminently practical approach aimed at the development and management of industrial businesses within the new paradigm of Industry 4.0. The subject aims to bring our future engineers closer to the reality of the company and the market, while simulating the operation of an industrial company, considering its main functional areas, such as production and logistics, marketing and sales, customer service, R+D+I, and people management. The subject aims to train the student in aspects related to the design and management of company products and processes within the framework of Industry 4.0. In this framework, different tools and methodologies are studied for the design of innovative products, oriented towards the concept ofsmart product. On the other hand, the central process of the new industrial model is being worked on: the digital transformation of the company, taking advantage of the implementation of a management model based on business processes and the knowledge generated by digitizing them. Finally, work is done on the design of the manufacturing process, and on the planning and control of the operation of the business.


Content title 1: Introduction to the management of the industrial company

  • smartfactory and Industry 4.0
  • Business strategy
  • From idea to product
  • The business processes of the industrial company
  • The buying process. Suppliers
  • The manufacturing process
  • The sales process. Markets
  • Environmental management of the company

Content title 2: Knowledge Management

  • Globalized competitive environment.
  • The company as an information system
  • Intellectual Capital and Intangible Management
  • Models for knowledge management
  • Application of the knowledge value chain
  • Knowledge management support tools and systems

Content title 3:  Product design

  • Sustainable product design
  • Product Innovation
  • Smart product
  • Product design support tools

Content title 4:  Product management

  • Product portfolio management
  • Technological surveillance and competitive intelligence
  • Corporate entrepreneurship
  • Product management support tools

Content title 5:  Process design

  • Process reengineering and digital transformation of the company
  • Raw material stock management policies, in transit and finished product
  • Production system design: Process innovation, sustainability and energy productivity
  • Industrial marketing. Industrial strategy
  • Process design support tools

Content title 6:  Process management

  • Purchasing management
  • Operations management
  • Commercial management
  • Support tools: Supply Chain Management (SCM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs), Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Evaluation system

The evaluation of the subject will be based on the results obtained by the company throughout the quarter. Part of the evaluation is common to all team members, based on business results achieved; and another is individual depending on the results of the functional area for which each student is responsible, and the results of the evaluation of activity 5 (Exam). Activities related to the areas of knowledge will be considered: strategy, purchases and suppliers, manufacturing, sales and marketing, R+D+I. Each of these areas will be the responsibility of a student member of the work team. Below is the weight of each of the activities in the final evaluation of the subject.

ACTIVITY 1: Practical Activity 1 (20%)

ACTIVITY 2: Practical Activity 2 (20%)

ACTIVITY 3: Practical Activity 3 (20%)

ACTIVITY 4: Practical Activity 4 (20%)

ACTIVITY 5: Exam (20%)

Attendance at class sessions and the delivery of the corresponding reports of the activities developed is a necessary condition for the evaluation of the subject.

The first 4 activities of the subject make up a general project, so that each activity, if necessary, can be recovered by performing the next, from the feedback received from its correction.

For activities 1 to 4, if the result of their evaluation is not satisfactory, or the teachers consider it opportune, they will be able to summon the members of the group to carry out an individualized evaluation test.

Any undelivered activity is graded with a NP. Failure to attend a session automatically excludes the corresponding activity from the evaluation, being considered qualified with a NP.

If any of the activities is graded with a NP, the subject remains graded with a NP, which does not allow access to the recovery call. Only suspended activities can be recovered.




CARLES, M .; BARBENA, P .; MORALES, S. (2020). Mention in Intelligent Manufacturing in Industry 4.0. EXCEPT.

HORRILLO, J. (2020). Materials of the subject of Organization of the Company in the Ind. EUPMT. Mataró.


ACC1Ó (2009). Innovation in the development of new products. Guides to Innovation and Internationalization. Government of Catalonia.

BOOTHROYD, G .; DEWHURST, P .; NIGHT, W. (2011). Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly. CRC Press.

JOYANES, L. (2017). Industry 4.0 the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Alfaomega - Marcombo.

CONESA, V. (2010). Methodological Guide for Environmental Impact Assessment. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.

ESCORSA, P .; MASPONS, R. (2001). From technological surveillance to competitive intelligence. Financial Times, Prentice Hall. Madrid.

EDVINSON, L .; MALONE M. (1998). The intellectual capital, Editorial Norma, Mexico 1998.

KOTLER P. and G. ARMSTRONG (2008), Principles of Marketing, 12th edition. Madrid: Pearson Education.

PORTER, M (1987). Competitive Advantage. CECSA. Mexico.

SUÑE, A .; GIL, F,; ARCUSA, I. (2004). Practical manual for designing production systems. Díaz de Santos

CHORAFAS, DN (2008). Integrating ERP, CRM, Supply Chain Management and Smart Materials. Auerbach Publication

DAVENPORT, TH; PRUSAK, L. (2001). Knowledge in action. Prentice Hall. Buenos Aires.

DOMÍNGUEZ MACHUCA, JA, et al. (2003). Operations management. Tactical and operational aspects in production and services. McGraw Hill. Madrid

DRUCKER, P. (reprint 2004). The practice of management. Harper & Row Publishers. New York.

VELASCO, J. (2007). Production organization. Plant distributions and improvement of methods and times. Theory and practice. Pyramid. Madrid