General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Juan Garcia Ramirez

Teaching languages

  • English

This subject is taught entirely in English.


Transversal competences
  • T1_That students know a third language, which will preferably be English, with an appropriate level orally and in writing and in accordance with the needs of graduates in each degree



English for the Professional World aims to help students become competent in planning their job search process, as well as in using English accurately in certain professional life situations. Regarding the first, taking into account the competitiveness of the professional world, students must be prepared to know how to sell themselves and differentiate themselves when it comes to getting a job. Regarding the second, effective communication in a third language is a skill that professionals must acquire before graduating from university and entering the corporate world.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that we can all create a safe space to make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.



1. Personal statement. resume Cover Letter. Job Interview

  • 1.1 Research of the job hunting process: stages, mind map of strengths and weaknesses, qualifications, work experience.
  • 1.2 Personal statement: features of the personal statement, short description of the applicant (education, work experience, soft skills, achievements, goals).
  • 1.3 The CV or Summary: sections of the CV, vocabulary, analysis of common errors, first good impression, the CV and the job offer, creative CVs.
  • 1.4 The Cover Letter: features and parts of a good cover letter, style and vocabulary, the Cover Letter, and the job offer.
  • 1.5 The Job Interview: preparation of the job interview, the small talk, typical questions, and the most suitable answers, good first impression, vocabulary, analysis of common errors, simulation of a job interview.

2. Effective Oral Presentations

  • Structure of an oral presentation in a professional context
  • The body language
  • Effective visual aids

Evaluation system

Tasks and exercises will be done on all points of the program and these will count towards the evaluation of the subject:

- Personal statement

- C.V

- Cover letter

- Job interview

- Formal writing

- Oral exercises: debates, dialogues, oral presentations.

1. Continuous Assessment: 70%

  • A1: Personal Statement (5%)
  • A2: CV (15%)
  • A3: Listening comprehension (10%)
  • A4: Cover letter (15%)
  • A5: Speaking activity: Job Interview (10%)
  • A6: Short writing: summary of an article (5%)
  • A7: Short oral presentation of one of the articles given or of a topic chosen by the student (10%)

2. Oral presentation of Curriculum Vitae 20%. This task is mandatory to pass the subject.

3. Class attendance and participation: 10%

Recovery Exam: 70%. The make-up exam covers the continuous assessment part (point 1). In order to be able to take the recovery exam, it is necessary to achieve a grade of 4 to 4,9 in the continuous assessment part. If this is not achieved, the subject will not be approved. The highest possible grade on the make-up exam is PASS (5). 


Plagiarism is a serious offense that can mean you fail the course. In case of detection of plagiarism, the person in charge of the course will be duly informed so that disciplinary measures can be applied. Plagiarism in whole or in part on any of the assignments will automatically be graded as a fail (0). And, if plagiarism is repeated, it may mean that the module has a final failing grade (0). PLAGIARISM consists of copying text from unrecognized sources, either part of a sentence or an entire text, which is intended as the student's own text. Includes cutting and pasting from Internet sources, presented without modifying them in the student's own text. Students must respect the intellectual property of the author, always identifying the sources they can use. They must also be responsible for the originality and authenticity of their own texts.



Handouts. English for the Professional World.


Powell, Mark. (2004). In Company 3.0. SL: Macmillan.

Evans, David. Business English Verbs. Harlow: Penguin English, 2000. Print.

Flinders, Steve, and Steve Flinders. Test Your Professional English: Business: General. Harlow, Essex, Eng: Pearson Education, 2002. Print.


McCarthy, Michael, and Felicity O'Dell. (2001). English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Downes, Colm. Cambridge English for Job-Hunting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Maun, Richard (2012). Job Hunting 3.0. Marshall Cavendish. Maun, Richard (2012). Job Hunting 3.0. Marshall Cavendish.

Hund, Heather (2018). Art of the Job Search.

Bolles, Richard N. (2021). What Color is Your Parachute? Has Speed ​​Press.