General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Pablo Alberto Genovese

Teaching languages

  • Spanish


Basic skills
  • B2-That the students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that are demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of 'study

  • B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


Specific skills
  • Have knowledge and skills for the calculation, design and testing of machines


The subject Mechanisms and Machines II, centered in the description, interpretation and calculation of accionamientos and his auxiliary elements, completes the integral training in the field of the mechanisms and the machines. It is a key element for the consolidation of learning, as it allows students to apply in the design of machine elements that has been worked on in other subjects. On the other hand, it is a key source of theoretical and applied knowledge for the professional practice of the mechanical engineer with regard to Machine Design.


  • Equation of the dynamics of a transmission system
  • equivalent inertia
  • Power drives Starting torque
  • quick drives
  • Degree of irregularity of the machines
  • Calculation of the flywheel
  • Effects of friction on machines
  • Friction in the links
  • Friction between rigid limbs
  • Rubbing on a flexible limb
  • Description, analysis and calculation of clutches and brakes
  • Description, analysis and calculation of belts
  • Description, analysis and calculation of toothed belts and chains
  • Selection of market components
  • Gears and gear trains
  • Gear theory
  • Geometry of gears
  • Straight and helical cylindrical wheels
  • Conical and hyperbolic gears

Evaluation system

The calculation for the Final Grade of the subject is:

NF = 0,3 Ex1 + 0,3 Ex2 + 0,2 Vid + ​​0,2 Pr

  • NF: Final Note
  • Ex1: 1st Partial Exam.
  • Ex1: 2nd Partial Exam.
  • Vid: Integrator Video Note.
  • Pr: Average grade of practices.


  • Minimum grade for each exam is 4 (four). In the event that any of the grades for Ex1 and Ex2 activities are below the minimum grade, the final grade for the subject will be limited to 4.
  • The minimum Pr grade is 4. If the Pr grade is below the minimum grade, the final grade of the subject will be limited to 4.
  • The minimum Vid grade is 4. If the Vid grade is below the minimum grade, the final grade of the subject will be limited to 4.


  • In the recovery period only Ex1 and Ex2 are reassessed. The rest of the activities are not recoverable.
  • The minimum marks established for all activities are maintained.
  • The previous calculations will be applied to obtain the final grade of the subject.



Genovese, Pablo A. (2020). Notes on Mechanisms and Machines II. Mataró: ESUPT Tecnocampus.

Uicker, Jr., John J., Pennock, Gordon R., & Shigley, Joseph E. (2017). Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. New York: Oxford University Press.


Cardona Foix, Salvador, & Clos Costa, Daniel (2008). Theory of machines. Barcelona: Editions UPC.

Norton, Robert L. (2013). Machinery design. México DF: McGraw-Hill - Interamericana de Editores SA de CV

Riba Romeva, Carlos (1999). Selection of engines and transmissions in the mechanical project. Barcelona: CPDA-UPC.