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Classes are taught in Catalan and students are expected to have a basic understanding of spoken Catalan. However, exams and practical reports can be written in other languages.
B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
E2_Understand and master the fundamental concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves and electromagnetism and their application in solving engineering problems
Introduction to general physics, emphasizing those aspects that may be more useful for later subjects. The contents are complemented with those of the subject of Physics 2.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
1. Introduction |
Description |
International System of Units. Significant figures. Orders of magnitude. Operations with vectors. Position, displacement, speed and acceleration. Mean values and instantaneous values. Free fall. Relative speed. Projectile movement. Tangential and centripetal acceleration. |
Related activities |
Exercise resolution. First partial test. |
2. Strength |
Description |
Newton's laws. Contact and distance forces. Overlay. Normal force. Friction force. Coefficients of static, kinetic and rolling friction. Braking forces, skidding and with ABS. Inclined plane. Spring. Tension of a cable. Drag force. Speed limit. Centripetal force. Peraltate and non-peraltate revolt. Center of mass. |
Related activities |
Exercise resolution. First partial test. |
3. Energy |
Description |
Work. Kinetic energy. Gravitational and elastic potential energy. Power. Scalar product. Energy conservation. Conservation of linear momentum. Impulse of a force. Elastic and inelastic collision. Refund coefficient. |
Related activities |
Exercise resolution. First partial test. |
4. Rotation |
Description |
Angular displacement, speed and acceleration. Moment of inertia. Kinetic energy of rotation. Parallel axis theorem. Pair of forces. Moment of a force. Newton's second law for rotation. Line of action and lever arm. Police. Non-slip, non-slip bearing. Vector product. Conservation of angular momentum. Angular momentum. Gyroscopes. Precession and nutation. Static balance. Stable, unstable and neutral balance. |
Related activities |
Exercise resolution. Second partial test. |
5. Waves |
Description |
Simple harmonic movement. Spring and pendulum. Damped and forced oscillations. Resonance. Simple wave motion. Wave function. Transverse and longitudinal wave. Sound waves and strings. Circular, linear, spherical and flat waves. Speed. Energy. Intensity. Decibels. Coefficients of reflection and transmission. Refraction. Diffraction. Doppler effects. Shock waves. Wave overlay. Constructive and destructive interference. Pulsations. Standing waves. Tone and timbre. Harmonic analysis and synthesis. |
Related activities |
Exercise resolution. Second partial test. |
Topic 1 is not explicitly assessed.
There will be a first partial test in the middle of the course with subjects 2 and 3 and a second test at the end of the course that includes the recovery of the first partial test and a second partial test of subjects 4 and 5.
Each partial test must be passed, at least, with a 4. You can be set to retake the first partial test (in the second exam) if your grade is equal to or greater than 4 and less than 5 If you get a worse grade in the recovery of the first part, the grade of the first exam will be saved. If the grade in the first exam was 5 or higher, you cannot apply to improve your grade.
The final grade will be the weighted average of the grades of the assessable activities.
First partial test: 35%. (both in the first exam and in its recovery in the second exam, if necessary).
Second partial test: 35%. (it is done in the second exam).
Laboratory practices: 30%.
Make-up exam: 70% (entire syllabus: topics 2, 3, 4 and 5).
January make-up exam:
For students who do not pass the assessment during the course, 30% of the internship grade will be maintained, and an overall retake exam will be held which will be worth 70% of the grade.
The resit exam may be used to pass the subject with a final grade of 5, but not to obtain a grade higher than 5.
There will be a single recovery exam with the syllabus of all the courses (topics 2, 3, 4 and 5). The parts will not have to be approved separately. In order to be able to make a weighted average, a 4 must be achieved in the recovery exam, at least.
Paul Tipler, Gene Mosca. Physics for Science and Technology. reverted
Francis Sears, Mark Zemansky. University Physics. Pearson.
Raymond Serway, John Jewett. Physics for science and engineering. Thomson.
William Hayt, Jack Kemmerly. Analysis of Circuits in Engineering. McGraw Hill.