What are you looking for?
B3_Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
E5_Training for spatial vision and knowledge of graphic representation techniques, both through traditional means of metric geometry and descriptive geometry, as well as through computer-aided design applications
The purpose of Graphic Expression is to train students to be able to identify, interpret and use graphic representations in the fields of Engineering. Taking into account the industrial regulations of graphic representation techniques.
This course provides the essential basis for supporting graphic representation throughout the career.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
Generally the contents of the subject of Graphic Expression can be grouped in:
Specifically, the contents of the subject of Graphic Expression are the following:
Topic 1 - Dihedral System
Topic 2 - Graphical expression and normalization
Topic 3 - Cuts and sections
Topic 4 - Dimension
Topic 5 - Dimensional tolerances
Topic 6 - Geometric tolerances
Topic 7 - surface states
Topic 8 - Threaded Unions
Topic 9 - Detachable and Non-Detachable Unions
Topic 10 - Transmission Elements 1 - gears
Topic 11 - Transmission Elements 2 - Other transmission elements
Topic 12 - bearings
Topic 13 - Preferred Numbers
The subject is taught throughout the 3 terms of the course (annual subject), but is divided into two modules. The 1st module covers the 1st trimester, and the 2nd module covers the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
1st Module:
The teacher reserves the right to evaluate 2-3 practices out of the 5 to be completed during the first module. These practices (P1M) will have a value of 40% on the final grade and therefore the final exam (EF1M) 60%.
The Note of the 1st Module (N1M) is obtained:
N1M = 0,4 · P1M + 0,6 · EF1M
2nd Module:
The Note of the 2nd Module (N2M) is obtained:
N2M = 0,4 · AAGP + 0,2 · AAP + 0,4 · AAF
Final grade:
The Final Grade (NF) of the subject is obtained:
NF = 0,33 · N1M + 0,66 · N2M
Preciado Barrena, Cándido and Moral García, Francisco Jesús. 2006. Standardization of Technical Drawing. San Sebastián: Donostiarra. ISBN: 9788470633096.
Félez Mindán, Jesús and Martínez, María Luisa. 2008. Graphic Engineering and Design. Madrid: Synthesis; Collection: Synthesis engineering. ISBN: 8497564995.
Ruiz Vassallo, Francisco. 2005. Electrical and Electronic Schematics. Reading and Interpretation. Ed. Copyright creations. ISBN: 84-96300-02-1