General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish
  • English


Basic skills
  • B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy


Specific skills
  • E6_Know the concepts of company, institutional and legal framework of the company. Organization and management of companies




The subject "Business Administration and Management" is designed to enable participants to understand the current reality of the operation of an organization, so that they end up having a clear idea of ​​its functional subsystems, its processes and the its management, as well as the basic principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics to understand the interactions of an organization with its environment.

The classroom in which the subject is taught (physically or virtually) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, whether towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.


1. Company. 

1.1. Definition of company.

1.2. organization Types of organizations.

1.3. The ownership and governance of the company.

1.4. Business environment

1.5. Strategic direction.

1.6. Competitive strategy.

2. Functional subsystems of the company.

2.1. Organizational structure.

2.2. administration

2.3. operations

2.4. Commercialization.

2.5. People management

2.6. Financial management. 

3. Accounting and finance.

3.1. Accounting: concept and objectives.

3.2. The company's financial statements.

3.3. Investment: Concept and types.

3.4. Financial indicators.

3.5. Leverage and profitability.

3.6. Audit and dashboard

4. Economy.

4.1. Basic concepts of economics.

4.2. Microeconomics: demand and the consumer.

4.3. Microeconomics: supply and markets.

4.4. Efficiency, exchange and competitive advantage.

4.5. Macroeconomics: GDP and economic growth, inflation and unemployment.

4.6. Economic systems and the role of government in the economy.

Evaluation system

Activities 1 to 4 will only be assessed if at least 80% of the practice sessions have been attended face-to-face and if the report corresponding to the campus task has been handed in within the indicated period. When a group activity is considered, the grade of the students in the same group may vary depending on the criteria established by the teaching staff responsible for the subject. It will be up to the teaching staff to decide whether to do an individualized assessment test in order to confirm the authorship of the reports delivered or if the result of the activities is not satisfactory.

Activities 1 to 4 are compulsory. If one of these activities is not delivered or its grade is lower than 4 out of 10, it will be considered as not presented in the final grade of the subject.

Activities 5 or 6 are individual and compulsory (activity 6 is only done if you need to recover activity 5).

The final grade of the subject is the weighted sum of the grades of the activities if activity 5 is greater than or equal to 5 points out of 10, otherwise, the final grade will be that of activity 5. If the grade of activity activity 5 is greater than or equal to 5 points out of 10, the final grade is as follows:

Activity 1: 20%

Activity 2: 10%

Activity 3: 10%

Activity 4: 10%

Activity 5: 50%

Activity 6 corresponds to the recovery exam for activity 5. In activity 6, qualified students with a "Not Presented" or students who have passed the subject in the ordinary call cannot appear . Activity 6 only gives the option to pass the subject with a grade of 5 if the grade is equal to or higher than 5 out of 10, except in the case where the weighted average grade with the corresponding weights of the first four activities is equal or higher than 8. In this case, the final grade will correspond to the weighted average grade with the corresponding weights of activities 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. If the grade for activity 6 is lower than 5 out of 10, the grade for activity 6 will be directly the grade for the subject.

Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.

For other aspects, the "Regulations for the evaluation of Degree courses of the TecnoCampus University Center" approved by the Governing Commission of the TecnoCampus University Center in the session of June 14, 2024, will be strictly followed.



Bergada Gómez, Daniel. (2017). Handbook of business economics, theory and practice. Ediciones Gráficas Rey. Second corrected edition.

Bowersox, Donald J.; Closs, David J.; Cooper, M. Bixby; Bowersox, John C. (2024). Administration and logistics in the supply chain. McGraw Hill. Sixth corrected edition.

Beloved Salas, Oriol. (2008). Understand accounting and finance. Management 2000.


Navas López, José Emilio. (2012). Fundamentals of strategic management of the company. Civitas

Niven, Paul R. (2003). The comprehensive step-by-step dashboard: maximize management and maintain results. Management 2000.