General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Carlos Paul Recarens

Teaching languages

  • Catalan


Basic skills
  • B1_Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study, based on general secondary education, and are accustomed to finding a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, includes also some aspects that involve knowledge coming from the vanguard of his field of study



  • B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


  • B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy


Specific skills
  • E9_Know the basics of science, technology and chemistry of materials. Understand the relationship between microstructure, synthesis or processing and material properties


  • E13_Know and use the theory of machines and mechanisms


  • E14_Know and use the principles of material resistance



The subject of Mechanical Systems refers to the statics and dynamics of rigid bodies where the fundamental principles of general mechanics applied to the behavior of solids are explained, both in a situation of static equilibrium and in dynamic movement of translation and rotation. These principles are related to Newton's laws applied to forces and moments.

Fields of application within engineering are related to the design of structures, machines and mechanisms.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.





  • Introduction to the center of gravity.
  • Center of mass and center of gravity.
  • Centroids of volumes, surfaces and lines.
  • Centroids of compound bodies.

Related activities

Class of theoretical explanation with examples in Large Group.
Small group problem solving class.
Small group laboratory practice class




  • Rotating coordinate system.
  • Centripetal force and Coriolis force
  • Coriolis theorem.
  • Movement in the plan
  • Mechanics of orbits
  • Kinematics of movement in three dimensions.
  • Kinematics of planar movement
  • Instant center of rotation.

Related activities

Class of theoretical explanation with examples in Large Group.
Small group problem solving class.
Small group laboratory practice class





  • Mass Moment of Inertia.
  • Equations of motion of plane kinetics.
  • Amount of linear and angular motion.
  • Principle of momentum and amount of movement.
  • Conservation of the amount of movement.
  • Inertia Tensor.

Related activities

Class of theoretical explanation with examples in Large Group.
Small group problem solving class.
Small group laboratory practice class



Evaluation system

The evaluation system consists of three parts identified as follows. An exam at the end of the term where all the content of the subject is assessed. Laboratory practices are carried out throughout the term and are assessable. A problem solving session is held individually at mid-term.

The final grade is the weighted sum of the final exam, the laboratory practices and the individual problem session, with the following weights:


There will be an extraordinary exam recovery session for all students who do not pass the subject in the ordinary assessment. 

The grade of this recovery will replace the exam grade obtained in the ordinary assessment.



Notes on Mechanical Systems. Carles Paul

Dynamics. RCHibbeler. Ed. Pearson

Static. RC Hibbeler. Ed. Pearson


Vector Mechanics in Examples. Publio Pintado. Ed. Paraninfo