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Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims
Show knowledge of the organization of maritime, land, air and multimodal transport, customs management and international trade in order to manage and / or contract transport
Show knowledge of the ship and its recruitment for use as a means of transport for both goods and people, in an environment of sustainability and respect for the environment
Acquisition of the necessary knowledge to understand the structure, organization and operation of the land transport system and intermodality: current situation, trends, general principles of the regulation of the sector, main agents, etc.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.
G2. Be autonomous in the aspect of personal planning, the selection of appropriate resources and the maturity to assume responsibilities in decision-making in the field of land transport.
G3. Make decisions in the professional and personal field, applying the knowledge and techniques acquired in the content of the course.
G5. Communicate appropriately, both in writing and orally, ideas, projects, rules, and decisions by properly and timely handling the diversity of media available.
E.2. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills in the field of logistics and land transport.
E.5. Shows knowledge of the organization of land transport and intermodality, customs management and international trade in order to manage and / or contract transport.
E.7. Shows knowledge about land transport modes and their procurement for use as a means of transport for both goods and people, in an environment of sustainability and respect for the environment.
Item 1. General aspects of transport
Transport characteristics
Modes of transport
Transport professions
Entities and companies
Transport policy in Spain
European transport policy
Subject 2. Evaluation and management of the transports
Management modes
Public-private collaboration
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Item 3. Road transport
Road transport infrastructures and networks
International organizations
Regulation of road transport
Characteristics of road transport
Auxiliary and complementary activities
Item 4. The transport of goods by road
Evolution of supply and demand
Characteristics of road freight transport
The commercial contract
Item 5. The international transport of goods by road
International legal framework
International transport of goods
Customs traffic and TIR regime
CMR agreement
Item 6. Rail transport
Railway facilities and equipment
The Spanish railway network
Regulation of rail transport
Rail transport of passengers and goods
European networks
Item 7. Urban transport
Transport in the urban environment
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
Congestion tolls
Topic 8. Intermodal transport
General aspects of intermodal transport
Combined road-rail transport
Terrestrial maritime interface
Guided learning
• Case study and debate: Dynamics that starts from the study of a case, which serves to contextualize the student in a specific situation.
Autonomous learning:
• Evaluation questionnaires: different questionnaires will be carried out to consolidate the knowledge acquired during the course and to monitor the progress obtained by the students. To successfully pass the questionnaires, the student must review the materials and resources provided by the teacher.
• Work on land transport companies: each one of the students will choose a company of terrestrial transport of which will have to realize an exhaustive analysis that has to include:
- General description of the company
- Products and services
- Geographic coverage of operations
- Gender perspective
- Press release related to the company
It will consist of the continuous evaluation, with the following percentages:
• 40%: Continued avaluation
• 60%: Final exam
Continuous assessment (40% of the mark):
It is compulsory for all students enrolled in the subject. This evaluation will consist of carrying out:
- Test-type questionnaires at the end of each of the topics presented in class
- Individual presentation of the work on land transport companies
Failure to submit any of the continuous assessment activities would result in a 0 in that test.
The final exam (60% of the mark):
It consists of a questionnaire with test-type questions where incorrect answers will be penalized. The questionnaire to incorporate both theoretical questions and practical exercises.
In order to perform these weights, it is an essential requirement to pass the final exam with a minimum grade of 4.5 points. Otherwise, it must be submitted for recovery.
Mandatory attendance
Attendance at 80% of classes is mandatory. Students who do not comply with the attendance program, the maximum mark they can obtain in the continuous assessment will be 3 points.
The recovery is aimed only at students who have failed the subject in the ordinary call. Students who have not taken the regular call will not be able to apply for recovery. In the recovery period, there is only the possibility of retaking the final exam (100% of the grade). In no case will the note of the continuous evaluation be saved.
IDAE. PMUS: Practical guide for the elaboration and implementation of sustainable urban mobility plans. July 2006. Ed. Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving; Madrid.
López, A. (2006). Railway infrastructures. Ed. Polytechnic University of Catalonia; Barcelona.
Ruiz, JM (2011). Road transport. Ed. Marge Books; Barcelona.
Cendero, B. and Truyols, M. (2008). Transport: aspects and typologies. Ed. Delta Publications; Madrid.
Mauleón, M. (2013). Transport, operators and networks. Ed. Díaz de Santos; Madrid.
Ministry of Public Works, Government of Spain. Analysis, information and dissemination on the contribution of road transport to intermodality. Ed. Ministry of Public Works; Madrid.
De Rus, G. (2001). Cost-benefit analysis. Ed. Ariel Economics; Barcelona.
Ministry of Public Works, Government of Spain. Transport and infrastructure. Annual Report 2014. Ed. Ministry of Public Works; Madrid.
Albalate, D., Bel, G., Bel-Piñana, P (2015). Stumbling twice with the same stone: toll road bankruptcy and costs for taxpayers and user. Journal of Applied Economics.
De Rus, G. (2015). Infrastructure policy in Spain: A pending reform. Faith Policy Papers.
Ministry of Public Works, Government of Spain. Road freight observatory. Supply and Demand. July 2016. Ed. Ministry of Public Works; Madrid.
Ministry of Public Works, Government of Spain. Strategic Plan for Infrastructure and Transport. Ed. Ministry of Public Works; Madrid.
Ministry of Public Works, Government of Spain. Infrastructure, Transport and Housing Plan. Ed. Ministry of Public Works; Madrid.
Albalate, D. and Bel, G. (2015). The international experience in high speed rail. Faith Policy Papers.
Ministry of Public Works, Government of Spain. Transport and Logistics Observatory in Spain. Annual Report 2015. Ed. Ministry of Public Works; Madrid.