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RAE11 - You will identify the evaluation concepts, the foundations and the theoretical bases in the development of physiotherapeutic methods and procedures by applying them in the scientific and professional fields.
RAE12 - You will apply the assessment of functionality, disability and health and its international classification, as well as intervention models in physiotherapy in your healthcare practice during the practical seminars.
RAE13 - You will be able to identify, following the criteria of physiotherapeutic practice, the functional state of the user, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects of this.
RAE14 - You will be able to apply manual and instrumental assessment methods and procedures in Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation, evaluating the result and its effectiveness in a teaching activity proposal.
RAE17 - You will be able to identify the patient/user situation through a diagnosis of physiotherapy care, planning the interventions, and evaluating their effectiveness in a cooperative work environment with other professionals in health sciences.
RAE18 - You will apply the specific methods and techniques related to the locomotor system (including manual therapies, joint manipulative therapies, therapeutic exercise) to neurological processes, the respiratory system, the cardiocirculatory system and alterations of static and dynamics in the practical seminars.
RAE19 - It will apply specific methods and techniques that take into account the implications of orthopedics in physiotherapy, reflected therapeutic techniques, as well as other methods whose safety and effectiveness are proven according to the state of development of science, in practical seminars and external academic practices.
RAE20 - Following an analysis, he will apply movement as a therapeutic measure, according to ergonomic and anthropometric principles in the patient/user in his process, promoting his participation during the practical seminars.
The Skeletal Muscle Physiotherapy subject is mandatory training in the Physiotherapy Degree. The aim of the same is to provide the students
the theoretical and procedural knowledge necessary to understand the physiopathology and the therapeutic approach from Physiotherapy of the main
clinical entities, related to traumatology and rheumatology, of the locomotor system.
This subject is made up of a theoretical block in which the interventions from physiotherapy in pathologies of the locomotor system are reviewed,
incorporating clinical reasoning and current scientific evidence. In a parallel way, two practical seminars are held where the students have just integrated the
theoretical knowledge and develop the necessary procedural skills, related to the programming of therapeutic exercise and the application of
specific joint mobilization techniques in the treatment of pain and joint mobility in the peripheral locomotor system.
Therefore, the subject consists of three interrelated blocks, which are indicated below:
Theoretical block
Practical block:
Therapeutic exercise seminar
Manual therapy seminar
This subject aims to introduce the gender perspective in its content and development. In addition, the objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers.
We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
The contents of the three blocks that make up the subject are detailed below:
Theoretical Block:
Topic 1. Introduction to trauma physiotherapy
- Generalities
-Physiotherapy diagnosis (Impairments, Disabilities)
-Types of injuries: bony, capsulo-ligamentous, muscular, tendinous
- Suitable stimulus for the different tissues: bio-physiological bases of tissue repair
-Treatment objectives and physiotherapy techniques for each tissue
Topic 2. Physiotherapy treatment in traumatic shoulder pathology
-Approach and general considerations in the physiotherapy treatment of bone and soft tissue injuries most frequently affected: From fractures
from the proximal extremity of the humerus to tendinous lesions and subacromial impingement.
Topic 3. Physiotherapy treatment in the traumatic pathology of the elbow
-Physiotherapy approach to bone and soft tissue injuries most frequently affected: From fractures of the head of the radius and diaphysis of the ulna and
from the radius to the lateral epicondylopathies.
Unit 4. Physiotherapy treatment in the traumatic pathology of the hand
-Physiotherapy approach and treatment of the most frequently affected bone and soft tissue injuries: From fractures of the distal extremity of the radius and
ulna to tendon injuries of flexors.
Topic 5. Physiotherapy treatment in the traumatic pathology of the spine
-Physiotherapy approach and treatment of the most frequently affected bone and soft tissue injuries: From vertebral fractures to whiplash injuries
cervical or "whiplash injury".
Topic 6. Physiotherapy treatment in traumatic pathology of the pelvis and hip
-Physiotherapy approach and treatment in bone and soft tissue injuries most frequently affected: Femur fractures (diaphyseal and
the upper limb 1/3 superior ) to the painful sde of the greater trochanter.
Unit 7. Physiotherapy treatment for traumatic knee pathology
-Physiotherapy approach and treatment of the most common bone and soft tissue injuries: From tibial plate fractures to ligamentous injuries
of the anterior cruciate ligament.
Unit 8. Physiotherapy treatment in traumatic foot pathology
-Physiotherapy approach and treatment of the most frequent bone and soft tissue injuries: from malleolar fractures to lateral ligament sprains
Item 9. General considerations in the approach of physiotherapy in rheumatic pathologies
-General considerations in the approach to physiotherapy of the hip and knee degenerative EEII: Hip and knee prosthesis.
-General principles and considerations of a physiotherapeutic approach in inflammatory arthropathies, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and soft tissue rheumatism.
Practical Block:
Therapeutic Exercise Seminar:
1. Theoretical bases of therapeutic exercise
2. Therapeutic exercise upper limbs
3. Therapeutic exercise lower limbs.
Manual Therapy Seminar:
In this theoretical-practical block the following contents will be approached in an integrated way.
Review of the basic descriptive anatomy of the limbs: joint surfaces and elements of passive capsular and ligamentary stabilization.
Joint arthrokinematics: explanation of the concepts of rolling and sliding in the joints of the limbs.
Description and application of traction joint mobilizations on the upper and lower limbs.
Description and application of specific passive mobilizations in joint sliding.
This subject may consider the following indicators detailed in the table in the evaluation proposal:
Assessment systems |
Evaluation system |
Minimum weighting |
Maximum weighting |
SE1. Electronic portfolio |
10% |
40% |
SE2. Oral presentation |
20% |
50% |
SE3. Exam |
30% |
60% |
SE4. Self evaluation |
5% |
30% |
SE5. Peer evaluation (2P2) or co-evaluation |
5% |
30% |
A quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative grading system (failed, passed, notable, excellent, honor roll) is used according to RD 1125/2003.
The subjects will have evaluation and recovery activities in accordance with the teaching guide and the subject's learning plan, published in their virtual classroom and which will establish the necessary requirements to be able to participate.
In accordance with current UPF regulations, all students who, having participated in learning and assessment activities during the term, have obtained a failing grade for the corresponding subject in the quarterly assessment, may participate in the recovery process . Those who have not participated in the learning and assessment activities or who have waived the assessment will not be able to participate. If the grade is "not presented", you will not be able to opt for recovery and therefore the subject will have to be taken again in its entirety in the following academic year.
In the event of copying, plagiarism or illegitimate use of generative artificial intelligence in any assessment activity, you must consult the TecnoCampus University Center's Undergraduate and Master's Course Assessment Regulations.
Assistance and Rules of Conduct
Attending class without respecting the basic rules of hygiene and uniform dress may be sanctioned. During the practices in class and especially during the assessment tests, students may not wear objects that could interfere with the execution of the techniques, such as rings, watches, bracelets, long earrings, etc. Likewise, hand hygiene will be essential, with short, clean, unpainted nails. Given the practical nature of the classes and in order to facilitate and correctly perform the manual palpation procedures and the execution of the evaluation tests, it will be necessary to wear appropriate clothing such as shorts and a top, considering that in many situations the anatomical region evaluated must be stripped of clothing to be able to observe and palpate the anatomical reliefs.
It is an essential requirement to attend 80% of each of the practical blocks. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the subject being suspended and having to be taken again next year.
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Liebenson, Craig. Spine Rehabilitation Manual. Editorial Paidotribo, 2008.
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Prentice W. Rehabilitation techniques in sports medicine. Barcelona: Paidotribo; 2001.
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Gree, Andrew; Hayda, Roman. Postoperative Orthopedic Rehabilitation. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2017.
Saunders, Rebecca, et al. Hand and upper extremity rehabilitation: a practical guide. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2015.
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