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The subject is taught in Catalan and Spanish.
RAE1 - It will integrate the principles and theories of physical agents being applied as interventions in physiotherapy, care practice documents and clinical simulation.
RAE6 - You will analyze the anatomical structures and the physiological changes that occur in people as a result of the interventions of the physiotherapy professional, in their application in the specific subjects.
RAE11 - You will identify the evaluation concepts, the foundations and the theoretical bases in the development of physiotherapeutic methods and procedures by applying them in the scientific and professional fields.
RAE14 - You will be able to apply manual and instrumental assessment methods and procedures in Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation, evaluating the result and its effectiveness in a teaching activity proposal.
RAE15 - He will design the different modalities and general procedures of intervention in Physiotherapy applying Massage Therapy, Electrotherapy, Magnetotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Balneotherapy, Climate Therapy, Thalassotherapy, Thermotherapy, Cryotherapy, Vibrotherapy, Phototherapy, Pressotherapy, therapies derived from other physical agents, as well as fundamental aspects of Ergotherapy and other related therapies in the field of competence of physiotherapy, in practical seminars and in external academic practices.
RAE18 - You will apply the specific methods and techniques related to the locomotor system (including manual therapies, joint manipulative therapies, therapeutic exercise) to neurological processes, the respiratory system, the cardiocirculatory system and alterations of static and dynamics in the practical seminars.
RAE20 - Following an analysis, he will apply movement as a therapeutic measure, according to ergonomic and anthropometric principles in the patient/user in his process, promoting his participation during the practical seminars.
The subject of Fundamentals of Physiotherapy is a compulsory training of the degree of Physiotherapy.
It will develop the foundations of Physiotherapy throughout history, both in its most procedural part and in basic theoretical aspects. The essential elements of the future physiotherapist's intervention are described, taking into account the physical therapeutic principles, their application, the benefits and adverse effects, as well as the duration and frequency of the treatment interventions proposed by the physiotherapist.
This subject consists of a theoretical block and a practical block:
The distribution of the theoretical and/or practical content of the subject can be consulted in the schedule and sections of the corresponding virtual classroom before it starts.
This subject aims to introduce the gender perspective in its content and development. In addition, the objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or towards teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.
Theoretical block:
Topic 1: Conceptual bases of physiotherapy
Topic 2: Historical references in physiotherapy
Topic 3: Professional profiles and fields of action
Topic 4: General aspects in physiotherapy
Unit 5: Principles of human communication
Topic 6: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
Item 7: Clinical history in physiotherapy
Topic 8: Physiotherapy interview (ROMP-P)
Unit 9: MIF: Method of intervention in physiotherapy
Topic 10: Code of ethics in physiotherapy
Topic 1: Physical agents:
Topic 2: Ergonomics and postural hygiene
Topic 3: Hospital physiotherapy:
Topic 4: Basics of non-hospital care
Practical block:
Topic 1: Generalities of massage therapy
1.1. Hygiene standards
1.2. Postures of the physiotherapist and the patient
Item 2: Main maneuvers
2.1. Superficial and deep effleurage
2.2. Sliding pressure
2.3. Palm frictions
2.4. Kneading (digital, palmar finger, octopus thumb, knuckle and elbow forearm)
2.5. Percussions
2.6. Vibrations
2.7. Rolled clamp
2.8. Inhibitions
Topic 3: Back massage sequence
Topic 4: Lumbar / abdomen massage sequence
Topic 5: Cervical - dorsal massage sequence
Topic 6: EESS massage sequence
Topic 7: EEII massage sequence
Topic 1: Generalities of Kinesitherapy
1.1. Fundamental considerations of joint anatomy and physiology
1.2. Effects of kinesitherapy
1.3. Passive kinesitherapy: Types of passive mobilizations
1.4. Basic principles of passive mobilizations
Item 2: Passive kinesitherapy applied to the upper extremity
2.1. Passive mobilizations of the glenohumeral joint
2.2. Passive mobilizations of the thoracic scapular joint
2.3. Passive mobilizations of the elbow joint complex
2.4. Passive mobilizations of the wrist joint complex
2.5. Passive mobilizations of the joints of the hand and fingers
Item 3: Passive kinesitherapy applied to the lower extremity
3.1. Passive mobilizations l of the hip joint
3.2. Passive mobilizations of the knee joint
3.3. Passive mobilizations of the ankle joint
3.4 Passive mobilizations of the joint complex of the foot
This subject may consider the following indicators detailed in the following table in its evaluation proposal:
Evaluation system | Minimum weighting | Maximum weighting |
SE1. Electronic portfolio | 10% | 40% |
SE2. Oral presentation | 20% | 50% |
SE3. Exam | 30% | 60% |
SE4. Self evaluation | 5% | 30% |
SE5. Peer assessment or co-assessment | 5% | 30% |
A system of quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, notable, excellent, honorary registration) is used according to RD 1125/2003.
The subjects they will have assessment and recovery activities in accordance with the teaching guide and the subject's learning plan, published in their virtual classroom and that they will establish the necessary requirements to be able to compete.
In accordance with current UPF regulations, all students who, having participated in the learning and assessment activities during the term, have obtained a failing grade for the corresponding subject in the quarterly assessment may participate in the recovery process . Those who have not participated in the learning and assessment activities or who have waived the assessment will not be able to participate. If the grade is "not submitted", you will not be able to opt for recovery and therefore the subject will have to be taken again in its entirety in the following academic year.
In the event of copying, plagiarism or illegitimate use of generative artificial intelligence in any assessment activity, you must consult the TecnoCampus University Center's Undergraduate and Master's Course Assessment Regulations.
It will be mandatory to attend 80% of the hours of the practical blocks in order to pass the subject, failure to do so will result in the suspension of the subject without the option of recovery, so the subject will have to be taken again the following academic year.
Rules of conduct
Attending class without respecting the basic rules of hygiene and uniform dress may be sanctioned.
During the class practices and especially during the assessment tests, students will not be able to wear objects that may interfere with the execution of the techniques, such as rings, watches, bracelets, long earrings, etc. Also, hand hygiene will be paramount, with short, clean, unpainted cut nails.
Given the practical nature of the classes and to facilitate and perform in a correct way the manual palpation procedures and the execution of the evaluation tests, it will be necessary to wear appropriate clothing such as shorts and top, considering that in many situations the evaluated anatomical region must be devoid of clothing to be able to observe and palpate the anatomical reliefs.
Galician Izquierdo, Tomás. Theoretical bases and foundations of physiotherapy. Pan American Medicine, cop. 2007
Génot. Kinesiotherapy volumes I, II, III, IV. Buenos Aires; Madrid etc. : Médica Panamericana, 1988
Viel, Éric. Physiotherapy diagnosis: conception, implementation and application in free and hospital practice. Barcelona etc. : Mason, hit 1999
Saved, Isabel; Lacomba, Maria Massage therapy guide for physiotherapists. Madrid Pan American Medicine. 2006
Same Camacho, Celedonia. General physiotherapy: kinesitherapy. Madrid: Synthesis, 1996
Fernández de la Peñas, César. Cinesiterapia: physiological bases and practical application. Barcelona: Elsevier, 2013