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EFB6_Adequate knowledge of the concept of company, institutional and legal framework of the company. Organization and management of companies
ES14_Ability to understand and apply the principles and practices of organizations, so that they can act as a liaison between the technical and management communities of an organization and actively participate in user training
V12. Apply entrepreneurial initiative and innovation for the creation of new video games and business lines.
V13. Apply business vision, marketing and sales, economic analysis and technical knowledge for video game production.
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
The subject of Business Administration is the first approach to the elements of organizational planning and economic and financial management of a project within the framework of the subject of Production and Business. The subject works on the central elements of the administration and management of modern companies such as planning, organization, direction and control. The subject consists of theoretical and practical sessions
# | Theme | Content |
1 | Economy and business | Economy Economic history. trade Factors of production. market Supply and demand. The state. the benefit Organizations and companies. Ownership, management and governance of the company. Sector value chain. Legislation in the company (commercial, fiscal, social/labor security, industrial/intellectual property, data protection, image rights, compliance,...). Fiscal regime taxes National Insurance). Commercial documentation (receipt, invoice, payroll, VAT, ...). Life cycle of the company (creation, growth, liquidation, mergers and acquisitions). |
2 | Business administration | Functions of business administration: Planning, Organization, direction and control of the company. Functional subsystems of the company: Commercial/Marketing/Operations/Administration and resources. Organizational design. Metrics and company control. Dashboard legislation Strategic plan Innovation Management. Market strategy. Human behavior of the company. Indicators and control. |
3 | Economic management of the company | Accounting concepts. accounting statements costs income assets liabilities heritage Capital. Asset analysis. Income statement Stock. treasury Economic and financial ratios. Dead point Working capital |
4 | Financial analysis and planning | Financial management. investment leverage financing Activation of expenses. Business metrics. PEF (development of the financial economic plan of a project). Valuation of the company (postmoney, premoney). Issue premium. Seed capital and risk capital. Financial spreadsheets |
Evaluation | |||
Concept | Weighting | observation | |
Activities and workshops | 25% | 5 grades of equal weight (4 grades for delivering exercises + 1 grade for attendance and participation in class) | |
Theory test I: Test type | 25% | Questions from topic 1 and 2 | |
Theory test II: Test type | 25% | Questions from topic 3 | |
Final exam | 25% | Exercise with spreadsheet | |
Recovery of test-type theory tests for students with an average grade of the two tests less than 5. The recovery of theory consists of a single test of all subjects | 50% | ||
Final grade ordinary evaluation | 100% | Weighting of financial year grades and last grade of theory tests. To pass in ordinary assessment, the average grade of the tests (Test + final exercise) must be greater than 5. | |
Final grade extraordinary assessment (next term) | Maximum score of 5 | Single test of the entire syllabus (theory test + financial exercise with spreadsheet) | |
DIEZ de CASTRO, J., REDONDO LÓPEZ, C., BARREIRO FERNÁNDEZ, B., LÓPEZ CABARCOS, MA (2002): Business Administration. Leading in the knowledge society. Madrid, Pyramid.
BELOVED, ORIOL (2005). Economic-financial analysis. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
Barcelona Activa (sd) How to make the Economic-Financial Plan. Barcelona Activa Working Document. City Hall of Barcelona.
DEV. (2020). White Paper on the Spanish Development of Video Games 2019.