General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: A hard tackle from Víctor Illera to Domínguez

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Daniel Martinez Jimenez

Teaching languages

  • Spanish
  • Catalan

Classes will be held in Catalan and Spanish.


Specific skills
  • E3_F Know and understand the methods, procedures and physiotherapeutic actions, aimed both at the actual therapy to be applied in the clinic for re-education or functional recovery, as well as carrying out activities aimed at promoting and maintaining health


  • E5_F Assess the functional status of the patient, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects


  • E6_F Assess the diagnosis of physiotherapy care according to internationally recognized standards and validation instruments


  • E7_F Design the physiotherapy intervention plan according to criteria of adequacy, validity and efficiency


  • E10_F Prepare the discharge report for physiotherapy care once the proposed objectives have been met


  • E13_F Ability to work in professional teams as a basic unit in which professionals and other staff of healthcare organizations are structured in a uni- or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way


Transversal competences
  • T1_F Acquire the ability to communicate in a foreign language and work in an international context


  • T2_F Demonstrate ability to organize and plan


  • T3_F The student must be able to develop skills in interpersonal relationships and be able to work within an intra and interdisciplinary team



The subject of musculoskeletal pathology encompasses three medical specialties such as rheumatology, traumatology and physical medicine - rehabilitation.

Rheumatic pathology will help us to establish the basis of the non-traumatic pathology of the musculoskeletal system and that is susceptible to physiotherapeutic treatment

Traumatic pathology will help us to know the injuries that can occur in the musculoskeletal system, allowing them to be approached in a multidisciplinary way with other health professionals who collaborate with the physiotherapist for the improvement of the patient, as well as their evolution.

This subject aims to introduce the gender perspective in its content and development




Evaluation methods




Clinical history and imaging diagnosis

Contextualization of physiotherapy in traumatological injuries 1

Contextualization of physiotherapy in traumatological injuries 2

Injuries of the Spine in Physiotherapy

Injuries of the Spine in Traumatology

Shoulder injuries in Traumatology

Shoulder injuries in Physiotherapy

Knee Injuries in Traumatology

Knee Injuries in Physiotherapy

Hip Injuries in Traumatology

Hip Injuries in Physiotherapy

Ankle and foot injuries in traumatology

Ankle and foot injuries in physiotherapy

Elbow and Hand Injuries in Traumatology

Elbow and Hand Injuries in Physiotherapy

Tendon injuries

Muscle injuries

Basic rheumatology in physiotherapy

Evaluation system

SE3. Exam 60% (Mandatory to have passed the exam: 5/10).

SE2. Group oral presentation of a clinical case 20% 

SE1. Electronic wallet 20%



The final exam will have a weighting of 60% on the final grade and it will be mandatory to pass with a 5 in order to pass the subject and average it with the rest of the grades.

To be able to take the final exam, you must have completed the group presentation

A student who does not appear for the exam does not allow access to recovery

The final exam will be a quiz, with 4 possible answers and only one correct.

Scoring of the test-type exam will be:
o Correct question 1 point.
o Wrong question will subtract 0,25 points.
o Unanswered question: 0 points.



An assignment will be made together with an oral presentation where the student must explain a clinical case of one of the following pathologies.
Originality will be assessed, as well as the entire process from the time the patient enters the service until discharge (anamnesis, physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, evolution, discharge recommendations, follow-up).
Groups of 3 people.
Topics chosen at random from the following.
The presentation will take place in the last sessions, and questions can be asked in the final exam on the topics presented:
1. Achilles tendon
2. Patella tendon
3. Epicondylitis
4. Rotator cuff injury
5. Gleno-humeral instability
6. ACL tear
7. Plantar fasciitis
8. Femur fracture
9. Sprained ankle
10. Lumbargia
11. Muscle injury

The total or partial copy will mean a "NOT submitted" to the subject, without the option to take the make-up test and without prejudice to the opening of a file for this reason.


It will be done individually
He will collect the summary of all the pathologies given in class in the form of notes.
The history, physical examination, complementary examinations, conservative treatment, surgical treatment, rehabilitative treatment, the most frequent complications, typical patients will be evaluated.
It must be handed in before the final exam.



Rafael Ballesteros Masso, Enric Gómez Barrena, José Luis Jumilla, Marta Chacón Castillo et al. Traumatology and sports medicine

Canale, ST, Beaty, JH, & Atzar, FM (Eds.). (2015). Campbell. Main procedures in orthopedic surgery and traumatology + ExpertConsult. Elsevier Spain.

Buckup, K., & Buckup, J. (2019). Clinical tests for bone, joint and muscle pathology: examinations, signs and symptoms. Elsevier.

Bahr, R., & Maehlum, S. (2007). Sports Injuries: Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation. Ed. Pan American Medical.


Rouvière: Descriptive, Topographic and Functional Human Anatomy. Volume 1,2,3. 

Farreres, R., Rozman, C., & Cardellach, F. (2012). Internal Medicine. 17th edition. Editorial Elsevier, 787-791.