General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Joan Triadó Aymerich

Trimester: At quarters

Credits: 14

Teaching staff: 

Julián Horrillo Tello

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish


Transversal competences
  • CT2: That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as another member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, assuming commitments taking into account the available resources.


By optional external practices is meant the formative action developed by the students and supervised by the University with the aim of applying and complementing the knowledge acquired with the academic training, bringing the student closer to the reality of the professional field in the who will carry out their activity once qualified and develop skills that will facilitate their incorporation into the labor market.

Optional external internships can be carried out in academic or administrative units of the same university or in collaborating entities, whether public or private, national or foreign. The Tecnocampus Foundation (TCM), owner of the Tecnocampus University Center, can also act as a receiving entity for internship students.

Up to 18 optional ECTS can be recognized for carrying out external practices, and a ratio of 30 hours of practice is established to recognize 1 ECTS.

On the other hand, students who prove a professional experience in a field related to their studies can have recognition as curricular practices. The maximum number of credits that can be recognized is 18 ECTS. A ratio of 160 hours of work is established to recognize a maximum of 1 ECTS. In order for the credits to be recognized, the student must justify a minimum of 1920 hours of work, which is equivalent to 12 ECTS, in the same company. The recognized working hours must have been worked during the last 4 years from the date on which the student makes the request.


Internships in companies. 

Evaluation system

The evaluation of the optional subject External Practices will take into account the following parameters:

  • Company assessment and reports (Business Tutor): 40%.
  • Written report (Academic Tutor): 30%.
  • Tutorials (Academic Tutor): 20%.
  • Attendance at practice meetings (Academic Tutor): 10%.

Failure to comply with the requirements established in the evaluation, lack of commitment in carrying out the internships or any action contrary to those contained in the Code of Ethics will result in a failing grade.



Regulations governing external internships for students of the Tecnocampus University Center (CUT), attached to Pompeu Fabra University.