General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Juan José Pons López

Trimester: At quarters

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Juan José Pons López

Teaching languages

  • Spanish
  • English
  • Catalan


Specific skills
  • E1. Demonstrate knowledge of the history of video games and analyze the reference video games with arguments based on evaluation criteria contextualized in the historical and cultural framework.

  • E2. Design the mechanics, rules, structure and narrative of video games following the criteria of gameplay and balance to provide the best possible gaming experience.

  • E3. Identify the type of player and design the game experience according to its psychological characteristics.

  • E4. Design a game and its monetization, taking into account the different parameters and variables that govern the business model of the product.

  • E5. Write the specifications of a game and communicate them effectively to the team of artists and developers and other members involved in the creation and development of the game.

  • E6. Develop video games in high-level programming languages ​​in graphics engines based on specifications.

  • E7. Develop video games in interpreted languages ​​to prototype gameplay, user experience and balance.

  • E8. Visually represent concepts and / or data for the ideation and creation of video games.

  • E9. Design and develop 2D animation short films.

  • E10. Design and develop modeling of 3D scenes and characters.

  • E11. Design and develop 3D animation by applying the techniques and processes that lead to the production of linear animation video games and short films.

  • E12. Apply entrepreneurial initiative and innovation for the creation of new video games and business lines.

  • E13. Apply business vision, marketing and sales, economic analysis and technical knowledge for video game production.

  • E14. Lead teams of designers, artists or developers to achieve the specified objectives in the time provided, in a structured manner according to the methodology established for project management.

  • E15. Design and plan quality assurance strategies, test and data analysis of video games and interactive products.

General competencies
  • G1. Demonstrate having and understanding advanced knowledge of their area of ​​study that includes the theoretical, practical and methodological aspects, with a level of depth that reaches the forefront of knowledge.

  • G2. Solve complex problems in their field of work, by applying their knowledge, developing arguments and procedures, and using creative and innovative ideas.

  • G3. Gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.

  • G4. Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized audience.

  • G5. Develop the learning skills needed to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Transversal competences
  • T1. Communicate in a third language, preferably English, with an appropriate level of oral and written communication and in accordance with the needs of graduates.

  • T2. Work as a member of an interdisciplinary team either as an additional member or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments and taking into account available resources.


By external practices is understood the training action developed by the students and supervised by the University with the aim of applying and complementing the
knowledge acquired through academic training, bring the student closer to the reality of the professional field in which he will work once he has graduated and
develop skills that favor their incorporation into the labor market.
External internships can be carried out in academic or administrative units of the same university or in collaborating entities, whether
public or private entities, national or foreign. The Tecnocampus Foundation can also act as a receiving organization for internship students.
During their internship in the collaborating entity, students will carry out tasks specific to the professional field in which they will exercise their
activity as graduates, with the aim of completing the theoretical and practical learning acquired with their academic training and acquiring work experience in
the levels to which, due to their qualification, they can access.
Students will be subject to the schedule and rules set by the collaborating entity. The schedule established by the same must guarantee, in any
case, the compatibility with the students' school hours and the flexibility necessary to fulfill the obligations derived from the academic activity,
training and representation and participation of students at the University.
External academic practices can be curricular and extracurricular. Curricular practices are those listed in the study plan with the corresponding one
allocation of credits. Internships can only be considered curricular when the students are in 4th year and have registered the corresponding credits. 


ECTS credits: total hours of student work.

A minimum of 4 ECTS credits can be enrolled and a maximum of 20. 30 hours of dedication to external academic practices is equivalent to 1 ECTS credit.


Recognition of professional activity
Students who demonstrate professional experience in a field related to audiovisual media may receive credit recognition. The ratio
to recognize each ECTS credit is 160 hours.

The minimum number of credits that can be recognized is 12 ECTS (1.920 hours) and the maximum is 14 ECTS (2.240 hours).
The recognition of professional activity is equivalent in the academic field to the concept of external practices. Therefore, in the degree they cannot be recognized
academically, the external practices and enroll in the subject of external practices regardless of the crediting of these.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards the students or towards the
faculty We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer prejudice from others.


Within the framework of the new study plans adapted to the European Higher Education Area, special emphasis has been placed on the possibility that students
university students do external internships, in order to achieve all the practical training necessary to complement the theoretical knowledge acquired with the training
academic, as well as acquiring the skills that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities.
External academic internships can be curricular and extracurricular.
Curricular practices are those that appear in the study plans with the corresponding allocation of credits and regardless of whether they are compulsory or optional.
This means that they must register in advance, that they must have a tutor, and that they must be assessed and qualified.
Extracurricular practices are those that students can do on a voluntary basis during their studies and that are not part of the
corresponding study plan. Students can start doing extracurricular internships when they have passed 60 ECTS of the degree (all 1st year passed).

Evaluation system

Company valuation and reports: 40%
Written memory: 30%
Tutorials: 30%


The academic tutor is responsible for the final evaluation of external academic internships. The practices are evaluated at the end of the 3rd quarter of the 4th year.
The entity where the internships take place must appoint a tutor (external tutor) who will act in coordination with the academic tutor. The external tutor has
to prepare a final report and send it to the academic tutor. This report must collect the number of hours completed by the student and in which he can assess the
following aspects:
a) Student skills; b) Commitment and attitude of the student; c) Creativity and initiative; h) Positive aspects of the student's work; i) Aspects a
improve the student's work; j) Assessment of the student's theoretical training; ik) Those other aspects that are considered appropriate.
The student will send the academic tutor of the university a final report at the end of the internship which must include at least:
a) Personal data of the student; b) Collaborating entity where the internship took place and location; c) Specific and detailed description of the tasks,
work carried out and departments of the entity to which it has been assigned, d) Evaluation of the tasks carried out with the knowledge and
skills acquired in relation to university studies; e) List of the problems raised and the procedure followed for their resolution; f)
Identification of the contributions that, in terms of learning, the practices have made; ig) Evaluation of practices and suggestions for improvement.
Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may result in a failing grade for an activity. In case of detection of plagiarism
the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.
The report will be delivered to the academic tutor within 15 days of the end of the internship.
Extracurricular internships will not be evaluable.