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Check the schedules of the different groups to know the language of teaching classes. Although the material can be in any of the three languages.
B2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that need to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study
E3_Analyze and evaluate the information in the financial statements, applying legal criteria or defined by the company, evaluate the economic performance and prepare financial reports that are used for decision making
E6_Interpret legal regulations and institutional organization and manage business information.
G2_Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking
T5_Develop tasks applying, with flexibility and creativity, the knowledge acquired and adapting it to new contexts and situations
In this subject, the knowledge acquired in the previous subject of Introduction to Accounting is deepened, with the application of the General Accounting Plan (PGC) and Resolutions of the ICAC (RICAC) in force.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.
SUBJECT 1: Introduction
Basic concepts in financial accounting. Accounting as an information system: the importance of accounting harmonization. The conceptual framework of accounting: a) Accounting Principles, b) Registration Criteria and c) Valuation Criteria.
SUBJECT 2: Tangible and intangible fixed assets, real estate investments, financial leases and operating leases
Introduction and basic concepts. Evaluation. Particularities of tangible and intangible fixed assets. Capitalization of financial expenses. Financial and operating leases. swaps Real estate investments.
SUBJECT 3: Stocks
Introduction and basic concepts. Valuation and registration of stocks. Value corrections and stock write-offs. Valuation of final stocks. Cost of goods sold and gross margin.
SUBJECT 4: Financial instruments
4.1. Financial assets
Long-term financial investments. Short-term financial investments. Customers, debtors and other accounts receivable. Investments in group and / or associated companies.
4.2. Financial liabilities and other liabilities
Bank loans and other financial liabilities. Suppliers, creditors and other accounts payable. Calculation and accounting of profit tax. Financing of group companies and/or associates,
TOPIC 5: Equity
5.1. Net worth
Composition of net worth. Social capital Types of reservations. Distribution of Results.
5.2. Income and expenses imputed directly to Equity (Group 8 and 9 of the General Accounting Plan).
Accounting of Capital Subsidies and exploitation subsidies. Value adjustments of financial investments with impact on PN.
SUBJECT 6.- The annual Accounts: Model abbreviated and no abbreviated
Formulation of Annual Accounts: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Statement of changes in equity, Cash Flow Statement and Report.
The exams make up 75% of the grade, the remaining 25% will be made up of the work carried out in the collective activities in class and the completion of individual or group tasks. The defense in public, the explanation in front of colleagues of the doubts and questions raised and the resolution of the difficulties encountered will be assessed.
A minimum grade of 4,0 out of 10 will be required in the final exam in order to make an average with the continuous assessment. To pass the subject, two conditions will be required:
a) having obtained a grade equal to or higher than 5 out of 10 in the partial exam and/or the final exam (one of the two exams, partial or final, must have a grade higher than 5)
b) The result of the AVERAGE FINAL GRADE of the exams (75% of the grade) and the assignments/practices/participation (25% of the grade) is greater than or equal to 5 out of 10.
You can only make up partial or final exams. Students will be required to have a minimum of knowledge and recovery will be either fully or partially for the parts that do not reach a sufficient level of knowledge. The assessment grade continues (work 25%), it is not recoverable, they remain valid as well as the minimum grade of the exam.
Summary of evaluation weights:
Partial examination Quarterly exam |
25% 50% |
Participation in activities proposed in the classroom + Individual and / or group work |
25% |
A student who has not applied for the first call CANNOT apply for recovery.
Royal Decree 1515/07, BOE of 21-11-07.- PGC PIMES
PGC, Royal Decree 1514/07, BOE of 20-11-07
Emilio Navarro Heras and Luis Gil Herrera (2013), "The Basics of Financial Accounting. Adapted to the Spanish General Accounting Plan." EDISOFER (2013).
Spanish General Accounting Plan. Approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007 of 16th November 2007. Institute of Accounting and Auditing (ICAC).
Law 16/2007, of 4 of July, published in the BOE of 5 of July of 2007 on reform of the mercantile legislation in accounting matter for his international harmonization with base ala normative of the European Union.
Royal Decree 1/2021 amending the PGC approved in RD 1514/07
ICAC resolution of March 28, 2013 on intangible assets
ICAC resolution of March 1, 2013 on property, plant and equipment and real estate investments
María del Mar Camacho Miñano (Coord.) Murat Akpinar, María Rivero Menéndez, Elena Urquía Grande, Anne Eskola. Pirámide Publishing (2015). Beyond the Figures. Introduction to Financial Accounting. European Financial Accounting Manual.
RD 602/2016, of 2-12-16, BOE of 17-12-16, that modifies the PGC and PGC of SMEs.
Institute of Accounting and Auditing: http://www.icac.meh.es
Catalan Association of Accounting and Management: http://www.accid.org
Arimany Serrat, N and Viladecans, C (2010): "Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows: Elaboration and Interpretation" Ed. Profit.
Spanish General Accounting Plan. Approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007 of 16th November 2007. http://www.icac.meh.es/documentos/contabilidad/pgc%20ingles.pdf
Francesc Gómez and other authors (2017): "Exercises Resolved and commented with the PGC" ACCID.