General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Montserrat Lamoglia Puig

Trimester: First term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Carmen Rosell Moreno
Mªjosé Reyes Ramos 
Esther Mateo Aguilar 
Mireia Carmona Duque 
Laura Curell Ferrer 
Juan Francisco Domínguez Rebato 
Eva Diago Balart 


Basic skills
  • CB4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience, both specialized and non-specialized

  • CB1_That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding of an area of ​​study that is based on general education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks. Also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study

Specific skills
  • CE10_Know and identify the psychological and physical problems arising from gender violence to train the student in the prevention, early detection, assistance, and rehabilitation of victims of this form of violence

  • CE11_Identify, integrate and relate the concept of health and care, from a historical perspective, to understand the evolution of nursing care

General competencies
  • CG6_Basing nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available media

  • CG15_Working with the team of professionals as a basic unit in which the professionals and other staff of the healthcare organizations are structured in a unified and multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way

  • CG1_To be able, in the field of nursing, to give adequate technical and professional attention to the health needs of the people they care for, in accordance with their state of development of the scientific knowledge of each moment and with the levels of quality and safety that are established in the applicable legal and deontological norms

  • CG2_Planning and providing nursing care aimed at individuals, families or groups, oriented to health outcomes, assessing its impact, through clinical practice and care guidelines, which describe the processes by which a patient is diagnosed, treated or treated health problem

  • CG7_Understand without prejudice to people, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, guaranteeing the right to privacy, through confidentiality and professional secrecy

  • CG8_Promote and respect the right to participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in the decision-making of the people cared for, according to the way in which they live their health-illness process

  • CG17_Perform nursing care based on comprehensive health care, which involves multiprofessional cooperation, integration of processes and continuity of care

  • CG18_Know the strategies to take the measures of comfort and attention of symptoms, addressed to the patient and family, in the application of palliative care that contribute to alleviate the situation of advanced and terminal patients


To acquire the learning outcomes of the different curricular areas of the first year of the degree, different learning techniques are used in both Integrated I and Integrated II, which are: Problem-Based Learning (PBL), in the that the teacher acts as a facilitating element of this learning; the “buzz group” technique, a cooperative learning technique that consists of forming small discussion groups with the aim of developing a specific task and simulation. These learning methodologies allow the achievement of the competencies of the subject.

Due to the nature of the subject itself and the methodology used, teaching is carried out in small groups of no more than 25 students in seminars and no more than 10 in simulation.

The structure of the subject is:

  1. Seminars: Group work of cases by means of ABP, with follow-up so much of the content of the work as of the participation of the student.
  2. Reflective diary: Individual observation work carried out by the student with a group tutorial that aims to provide advice for the correct development of the same.
  3. Simulation: Classes at the Center for Simulation and Innovation in Health (CSIS) are held in small groups where they work on technical skills or procedures, discussion, case analysis, theoretical knowledge, problem solving, decision making , teamwork and all those basic activities performed by the Nursing Assistant. It consists of 9 sessions of 2 hours each.


This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.

The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.


Learning outcomes

Seminar block:

LO 1. Develop attitudes and skills that favor the understanding of practical care situations.

LO 2. Develop cognitive, psychomotor, relational and communicative attitudes and skills.

LO 3. Argue in a structured, concise and contrasted way.

LO 4. Understand the bibliography consulted and place it in the nursing perspective

LO 5. Develop critical reasoning: skills for the analysis, evaluation and reflective formulation of arguments.

LO 6. Relate positively with other people

LO 7. Use reflective dialogue and self-assessment of one's own learning experiences as a means for the continuous development of professional knowledge.

LO 12. Know the historical foundations of nursing.

LO 13. Recognize the epistemological and historical characteristics that have contributed to the development of nursing as a science.

Simulation Block:

LO 1. Develop attitudes and skills that favor the understanding of practical care situations.

LO 2. Develop cognitive, psychomotor, relational and communicative attitudes and skills.

LO 5. Develop critical reasoning: skills for the analysis, evaluation and reflective formulation of arguments.

LO 16. Transfer theoretical contributions to the realities of nursing in simulated situations.

Working methodology


MD2. Seminars.

MD3. Work in group

MD4. Individual work.

MD5. Presentations of topics by students.

MD6. Face-to-face tutorials in groups or individually.

MD9. Directed practice.

MD 10. Simulation

MD 11. Self-employment

MD 12. Collaborative learning

MD 13. Critical reading


The course is structured in: seminars that are worked in the classroom and simulated clinical practices in the facilities of the CSIS of the ESCST, in which simulation laboratories (LBS) are taught.

In the seminars 4 cases are worked in small groups.

In the LBS the following contents are worked:

Block 0. Adaptation to the Nursing Simulation Laboratory

Block 1. Standard and universal measures

1.1 Hygiene and asepsis measures

1.2 Standard protection measures

1.3Insulation measures

Block 2. Comfort and safety measures

2.1. Ergonomics: mechanical posture

2.2. Transfers

2.3. Making an unoccupied bed

2.4. Realization of occupied bed

Block 3. Care of the bedridden patient

3.1. Postural changes

3.2. Complete hygiene

3.3. Use of the wedge

3.4. Post mortem cures

3.5. Assessment and extraction of fecalomas

3.6. Rectal probe

3.7. Enema administration

Block 4. First aid

4.1. Basic CPR + DEA

4.2. Basic CPR in pediatrics and newborns

4.3. Heimlich maneuver



Learning activities

Regarding the formative activities and the methodology used in the same, the following table summarizes them including the credits assigned in each one of the activities and the competitions in which in the same work.

In this combination of activities, the aim is for the student to play an active role in their educational cycle and to interact with the rest of their classmates through cooperative learning activities, encouraging critical thinking.










AF5. Seminars


MD2. Seminars

MD3. Work in group

MD4. Individual work

MD5. Presentations of topics by students

MD6. Face-to-face tutorials in groups or individually

MD9. Directed practice

MD10. Simulation

MD12. Collaborative learning

MD13. Critical reading               

CB1, CB4, CG1, CG2, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG12, CG15, CG17, CE11, CE16, CE23


AF9. Personal study


MD4. Individual work

MD 11. Self-employment

CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6

Evaluation system

As agreed in the Bologna Plan, the assessment will be carried out through the assessment of competencies. The weightings of the evaluation were carried out in a manner consistent with the training and methodological teaching activities used in the subject. For the evaluation of the cases, rubrics that the student has available in the dossier of the student are used. At the end of each case students will have to answer an open question individually.

Attendance at seminars and simulation laboratories is set out in the regulations available in the specific simulation and seminar dossiers.

A minimum grade of 6 in the reflective diary, 7 in the average of the seminars and from 4 in the practical test to pass the subject.




Evaluated activity



 25% Evaluation of cases

 5% Open Question

Individual work


Reflective Diary 20%

LBS records 10%

LBS practice test


Examination of the work developed in the LBS

LBS monitoring


Participation, attitude, etc.




The recovery of the group work of the seminars will be carried out in the recovery period corresponding to each quarter individually.

The retrieval of the reflective diary will be carried out in the recovery period corresponding to each quarter.

The simulation recovery of the practical test (LBS) of Integrated Nursing I and II will be carried out in the 3rd quarter with the overcoming of the corresponding scenario in the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills - (AOEHT)

-In the subject of Integrated Nursing III, in case of failing the practical test, this will be likely to pass in the recovery period of the 3rd quarter.


Attendance at both seminars and simulation sessions is mandatory.

It is very important that the student consults the following documents for the repercussion that can have the breach of the rule in the evaluation:

- Dossier of the student Infermería Integrada I.

- CSIS guide: “Guide how to survive the LBS”.

These documents are in the Moodel virtual classroom of the subject.


The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.



Code of Ethics for Nurses in Catalonia. March 2014

COIB. Documentation on nursing skills. Search


Patient unit. McGraw Hill. Available in: 

Hospitalization Units:

Shared medical history. Gencat. Department of Health.

Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and one's own image.

MaquedaAbreu ML GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE Between the legal concept and social reality. Available in: