General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Rafael Suarez Gómez

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Jaume Teodoro and Sadurní
Robert Barti Domingo 


Specific skills
  • E10_Apply processes, methods and techniques to develop creativity and innovation in audiovisual production, multimedia development and video game programming

  • E12_Planning business strategies related to the economic and social phenomena typical of the welfare society and the digital entertainment industry. Turn ideas into actions in a creative and innovative way

  • E19_Creation, administration and management of audiovisual companies in their industrial structure of production, distribution and exhibition

Transversal competences
  • T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources


It is an eminently practical training subject based on the discipline of entrepreneurship and innovation. At the end the student must achieve the competence of entrepreneurship and innovation which in turn is worked from 3 capabilities: i) Alertiveness (ability to detect opportunities), ii) the ability creative (ability to respond to opportunities in an original way) iii) personal initiative (ability to carry out the solution by mobilizing the necessary resources). Entrepreneurial / innovative competence is essential in the training of a senior graduate who is expected to have initiative, vision and autonomy within an organization.

This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19.
In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.


Learning outcomes

Upon completion the student should be able to:


- Understand the challenges of entrepreneurship and know how to evaluate a personal entrepreneurship decision

- Understand the framework of innovation and innovation management in a company

- Use the Design Thinking methodology to carry out an innovative activity, as an entrepreneur or as an agent of change in an already established organization.

- Analyze problems / needs and detect opportunities for entrepreneurship / innovation

- Design the business model of a project

- Validate entrepreneurship and innovation projects (prototyping and testing)

- Raise initiatives based on the financial economic planning of the entrepreneurship or innovation project

- Defend the entrepreneurship project in front of investment forums (StartUp) or internal investment committees (Intra entrepreneurship)


Working methodology

The methodology of the subject combines master classes (theory class in the classroom or non-contact but simultaneously according to schedule) and practice classes. Entrepreneurship and innovation is a discipline and as such they start from a broad theoretical body. However, this is a discipline of practical application and that is why internships in a company laboratory are a fundamental pillar for achieving learning objectives.


The teaching formats are:


• Classes: The teacher explains the concepts in the classroom (or in non-face-to-face video conferencing simultaneously). During the class the participation of the student is looked for opening subjects of discussion and sharing contents of reference (articles, videos, cases of the sector, the present time, ...).

• Exercises. The teacher proposes exercises from the virtual campus to work on specific concepts.

• Forums. The teacher opens online forums where each student must provide a minimum of 2 annotated entries. In addition, debates are opened in theory classes

• Methods. Learning is conducted by methods specific to the entrepreneurial environment: Design Thinkimg, Canvas Business Model, Lean StartUp.

• Practical group project: Throughout the course a group entrepreneurship / innovation project is developed (3-4 students). It starts from identifying a challenge, turning the challenge into a problem to be addressed in the form of an opportunity, looking for a solution and validating the solution. To carry out the work we work in the format of internships with different schedules. Practical work requires a relevant effort on the part of the working group


Dedication template


Load: 6 ECTS (European credits) from the EHEA (European Higher Education Area)


1 ECTS = 10 hours of guided learning + 15 hours of autonomous learning = 25 hours of dedication


Dedication Organization: 4 ECTS




Guided learning

Master class



Laboratory Practices










self employed

Participation (online / in-class forums or videoconference or deliverable exercises or periodic control test preparation)



Work group practices (x 3 people)














The content is based on the methodology of Entrepreneurship and Innovation with Design Thinking developed by Professor Jaume Teodoro and called ToolBoad ©. It is structured from the following scheme 


Block A: Entrepreneurship and innovation challenge


  1. Entrepreneurship and innovation

Concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation. Research and state of the art. Entrepreneurial skills.

  1. Design research.

Design Thinking. Person-Centered Design. Service Design. Agile methodologies

  1. Design Methodology

Phases. Scenes. Methods and tools

  1. Design team

Motivation. Attitude. Talent. Self-knowledge. Eclectic team

Map of the entrepreneurial team


Block B: Entrepreneurship design and innovation


1. E&I Research Phase


1.1. Starting challenge.

Concepts: Trends. Technologies.

Methods: Value chain. Stakeholders Analysis

Tool: Mind map of the challenge

2.2. Research in problem area

Concept: Problem. Need.

Method: Interview. Ethnography.

Development tool: Observation mural.

2.3. Definition and framework of opportunity

Concept: Empathy. Insight. Innovation.

Method: Problem synthesis. Person.

Development tool: Empathy map


2. Ideation Phase in E&I


2.1. Value proposition

Concept: Value. Idea.

Method: Brainstorming. Co-creation. Selection / evaluation of ideas

Development tool: Map of ideas

2.2. Business Idea

Concept: Business model. Business variables

Method: Value generation.

Development tool: Canvas of business model

2.3. unique offer

Concept: Customer experience. Minimum viable product.

Methods. Conceptual prototype. Functional prototype.

Development tool: Customer travel map


3. Validation Phase in E&I


3.1. clients

Concept: Customer Generation. Market. Scalability.

Method: Lean start up.

Key tool: Validation canvas

3.2. Business case

Concepts. Income statement. Stock. Treasury. Investment

Method: Metrics. PEF

Key tool: Financial roadmap

3.3. initiative

Concept: Seed capital. Investment forum. StartUp

Method: SWOT.

Key tool: Mind map of the pitch


Learning activities


• Exercises with cases from the sector. Immersion is sought in a practical case that the student identifies with his sector of future professional activity

• Forums. Throughout the course, forums are opened to invite reflection and deepen. In some cases forums are part of an audiovisual or current affairs article or content

• Visits. The business incubator is visited. Visits are received from entrepreneurs who recount their project and their experience

• Audiovisual. A video library is developed which illustrates topics covered throughout the course

• Online tools. Online resources and tools are presented throughout the internship sessions so that the student gets used to working professionally.

• Real practical work. The practical work is a compendium of the whole subject and is developed as it progresses




10 weeks of course of 6 hours per week face-to-face or non-face-to-face always with simultaneity (case covid-19)

Distributed in 4 hours of Theory per week and 2 hours of Practices


Guided learning


Autonomous learning



Content / topics





Forum / exercise / test

Activ's delivery

Pract's delivery

Personal hours

Week 0


Presentation of the agenda and methodology ToolBoard © by E&I







Week 1




i) Concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation (E&I)


P1: High performance equipment

E1. Individual exercise 1: Personal business card




Week 2


ii) Design Thinking:

Phases and methods.

DT tools. Examples. Methodology Toolboard ©


P2: Mental map framing the challenge

F1. 1st Class Forum: The entrepreneur: skills and role in the economy and society





Week 3

(research phase)


E&I Research Phase:

Challenge framing:

Stakeholders. Trends. Technology. Industry



P3: Observation mural

E2. Individual exercise 2: Commentary on the text “Mantras of innovation”




Week 4



E&I Research Phase:

Problem finding. Synthesis and opportunity framework


P4: Problem synthesis with Empathy Map

1st Test




Week 5


E&I Research Phase:

Tools. Insights. Examples


P5: Map of ideas

F2. 2nd Class Forum: Do the needs create the market or do they exist in the person? Insight Vs. Idea?




Week 6

(ideation phase)


Ideation Phase in E&I:

Ideation. Value proposition

Business model


P6: Canvas of the business model

2nd TEST




Week 7


Ideation Phase in E&I:

Business idea

Examples and cases


P7: Business Model

E3. Individual exercises 3: Analysis of a business model with a case of the sector




Week 8


Ideation Phase in E&I:

Prototype and Test

Tools. Examples


P8: Prototype and validation test

F3. 3rd Class Forum: How important is disruptive innovation in business or entrepreneurship?





Week 9

(validation phase)


E & I Validation Phase:

Lean StartUp. Hypothesis. Metrics. Experiments and measurement.



P9: Financial plan roadmap

E4. Exercise 4: Financial year




Week 10


E & I Validation Phase:

Pitch business case design.

Public defense of projects


P10: Public defense with PITCH

3st Test









Final exam














Evaluation system

Ordinary assessment is carried out by continuous assessment from the following scheme (all three groups of grades must be graded with a grade greater than or equal to 4 to be eligible to be graded in continuous assessment):


i) Final exam: 35% Demonstrating the understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects (the exam is solved based on the content of theory classes and practice classes). It is about developing a case study of entrepreneurship / innovation from start to finish, planning its development, selecting methods and tools and developing it.

ii) Activities via campus: 35%

a. Test: 20%

b. Exercises and forums / participation: 15%

iii) Practical work (in groups): 30%

a. Attendance at internships is mandatory. If the attendance is less than 70 it is considered not passed / not presented

b. The follow-up of the practices and the active participation in team is compulsory to be qualified. If the individual internship grade is less than 4 it is considered not passed / not presented



Recovery is carried out when one of the grades is less than five and is done by exam in recovery period based on the following scheme:


• All suspended students who want to be evaluated must attend (as long as they have passed the internship)

• The exam is test-type and includes a practical exercise

• Maximum final grade in recovery is Approved (5)





Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., In Clark, T., & Smith, A. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.

Ries, E. (2011). The lean startup: How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. New York: Crown Business.

Teodoro, Jaume. 2017. Collection of class notes 

Teodoro, Jaume. 2018. Collection of case studies (business cases) 


Blank, SG, & Dorf, B. (2012). The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for building a great company. Pescadero, Calif: K & S Ranch, Inc.