What are you looking for?
B4. That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
E1. Recognize the environment in which the organization operates, the operation of the company and its functional areas and the instruments of analysis.
E2. Apply the basics of marketing and market research.
E3. Identify the qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis and diagnosis for market research.
E4. Analyze and evaluate strategies for developing, launching and positioning new products, as well as making decisions regarding the variable of the product, price, distribution and communication.
G1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.
T1. Communicate properly orally and in writing in the two official languages of Catalonia.
T5. Develop tasks applying the knowledge acquired with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.
General learning objectives of the subject:
1. Understand why there are products that are worth marketing, developing in students, the ability to see opportunities for improvement and new ways to solve real consumer needs, through the creation and design of products and brands
2. Know the techniques to differentiate products and brands, designing a value proposition.
3. Be able to launch a product on the market with method and understand its life cycle
4. Experiment with brands as ideas. The reason for Brand Equity.
5. Understand the effect of branding on consumer behavior (conscious and unconscious)
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The Tecnocampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.
Be able to think of a product in terms of problem-solving.
Focus on the person while responding with a service-product.
Critical ability in verse to neuromarketing.
Differentiation and positioning techniques that guarantee success in launching a new product on the market.
Understand the brand as something beyond a logo.
Theoretical sessions
MD1.Master class: Expository class sessions based on the teacher's explanation attended by all students enrolled in the subject
MD2. Lectures: Face-to-face or streaming sessions, both in university classrooms and in the framework of another institution, in which one or more specialists present their experiences or projects to students.
MD3. Presentations: Multimedia formats that support face-to-face classes
Guided learning
MD5. Seminars: Face-to-face format in small work groups (between 14 and 40). These are sessions linked to the face-to-face sessions of the subject that allow to offer a practical perspective of the subject and in which the participation of the student is key.
MD6. Debates and forums: Face-to-face or online conversations, according to the objectives that the teacher responsible for the subject pursues.
MD7. Case study: Dynamics that starts from the study of a case, which serves to contextualize the student in a specific situation, the teacher can propose different activities, both individually and in groups, among their students
Autonomous learning
MD9. Solving exercises and problems: Non-contact activity dedicated to solving practical exercises based on the data provided by the teacher
MD10. Research and critical reading of articles. Students start from a working hypothesis that they will develop, following the phases of the research methodology, including the critical reading of articles.
0. Presentation. |
1. Product |
- Product strategies |
- Strategies in the Product Line |
2. Strategic Analysis |
-Strategic MKT |
-Metrics (basic): Market share, relative CM, sales growth rate etc |
-Strategic Analysis Tools: BCG Matrix, Ansoff -> Market Development / Products / Diversification |
3. The product life cycle |
-Phases |
-Strategies in each phase: Skimming, penetration etc |
4. Launch of new products |
- New products. Reasons, categories, risks. |
- Launch phases of new products. |
5. Phase 1: Innovation / creativity. |
- Types and sources of innovation. |
- Methodologies: Design thinking, JTBD, Agile, Lean Startup. |
- Tools: Empathy map, interviews, actors map |
6. Phase 2 and 3: Selection and Concept. |
- "how", factors to evaluate: Kotler selection process of ideas, O'Meara |
- Conversion idea to concept: Insight, Benefit, Reason why, claim |
7. Phase 4 and 5: Feasibility and Product Test |
¿- Development, Prototype, PMV etc |
8. Phase 6: Market Test |
-Reasons, Type, Product Test vs. Market Test |
9. The Brand |
- Competitive advantage / Consumer surplus |
- Competitive strategy: Differentiation / Cost leadership |
- Branding: Elements, importance, action plan |
- Positioning strategies. |
- Brand equity and brand strategies: Umbrella, unique, cobranding etc |
- Brand Architecture |
AF1. Theoretical sessions
AF2. Seminars
AF3. Work in group
AF4. Individual work
AF5. Personal study
AF10. Search, read and prepare reviews / text comments on bibliography / information through ICT / virtual platform.
SE1. Participation in the activities proposed in the classroom (15%)
SE2. Group work (30%)
SE3 Exhibitions (15%)
SE4. Final exam (40%)
To pass the subject, it is necessary that the group work (SE2) has a grade equal to or higher than 5 and that in the final exam (SE4) it ALSO obtains a grade equal to or higher than 5.
Group work is NOT recoverable; there will be two partial assessments throughout the course that will allow the student to see if he is doing it correctly or not.
If a student is expelled from class, the subject is automatically suspended without the possibility of recovery.
The purple cow. Seth Godin. Booket. (2011)
Buyology, Truths and Lies About Why We Buy. Booket (2012)
Change by Design. Tim Brown
Marketing Manager. Kotler Keller. Pearson 14th edition (2012)
What is Branding? Matthew Healey. Ed Gustavo Gil, SL (2009)
Business Model Generation. Alexander Osterwalder (2010)
TED Talk: Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy.
A Handbook for Revolution: Empathy. Roman Krznaric. Random House Group Company (2014)
Creative Confidence. David Kelley
Side marketing: new techniques for finding the most groundbreaking ideas. Kotler. Pearson (2005)
The Lean Entrepreneur: How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets. Brant Cooper, Patrick Vlaskovits. (2013)
Strategic Maps. Kaplan and Norton. Harvard School Press. Management 2000. (2004)
Blue Ocean Strategy. W. Chan Kim (2008)
NeedFinding: Design Research and Planning. Dev Patnaik. Third Edition (2014)
Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy. Dev Patnaik. Pearson Education. (2009)
The 22 immutable laws of the brand. Al Ries and Laura Ries.