General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Lluís Albesa Albiol

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Antonio Caparrós Pons
Xenia Ríos Sisó 


Basic skills
  • Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their area of ​​study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.

Specific skills
  • Carry out the teaching-learning processes related to physical activity and sport, paying attention to the individual, collective and contextual characteristics of people.

  • Promote the formation of lasting and independent habits of physical activity and sport

General competencies
  • Recognize the epistemological, historical and educational foundations of activity and sport

  • Describe the behavioral and social factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport

  • Identify the effects of physical exercise on the psychological and social aspects of human beings

  • Apply fundamental rights and equal opportunities for men and women, the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for people with disabilities, solidarity, environmental protection and the values ​​of a culture of peace and democratic values

Transversal competences
  • Use the sources of certified scientific knowledge in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

  • Incorporate habits of excellence and quality for professional practice

  • Act within the ethical principles necessary for the correct professional exercise, according to the regulatory framework


The present subject will be used to analyze physical exercise, physical activity and sport as one of the most important social phenomena in contemporary society. Whether as a manifestation of human movement throughout history or as a mass spectacle, these phenomena have become an essential part of the life and culture of modern man.

Cagigal said that sport is a global cultural phenomenon, a ubiquitous phenomenon. Indeed, sport covers many areas of social reality, such as physical education, society's lifestyles, health and quality of life, enjoying the natural environment through recreational activities; show sports, largely thanks to the mass media; coupled with this, competition and high performance, and so on. The aim of this subject is to analyze these different forms of expression of the sporting phenomenon, to better understand the nature of sport.

The aim of this subject is to analyze these different forms of expression of the sporting phenomenon, to better understand the nature of sport.

We will also reflect on the significance of the historical study of physical activity and sport in the context of the process of civilization. 

We will also understand the contradictory and ambivalent nature of sport. Physical activity and sport can be a source of education, health, social welfare, social integration, tolerance and solidarity. But they can also be ignorance, disease, alienation, conflict, violence, intolerance and exclusion.

This subject aims to promote the ability of students to reflect critically on the field of physical activity and sport in today's society. Practical activities in class and with different social groups will allow us to get closer to these realities, social and work.

Technology, information and social networks will be presented as the common thread of sport in the current Network Society at the same time as the environment and didactic resources of the subject.

Finally, this subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the event that it is necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.

Learning outcomes

  • Interpret, based on knowledge, the characteristics of citizens and socio-cultural contexts, with the aim of adapting interventions in various areas of professional activity, guaranteeing equal opportunities in access to physical practice. .
  • Apply, based on the knowledge of the expressions of the social sport fact in each culture to be able to intervene in the necessary changes for the equality of opportunities, the equality of gender and to guarantee the ethical principles and of fair game.
  • Analyze with an epistemological and critical approach the different objects of study, principles and theories of the sciences of physical activity and sport
  • Interpret, based on knowledge of the main historical processes in the history of physical activity and sport in terms of their influence on contemporary society, with the necessary approach to the case of Spain and Catalonia, and the presence differentiated from men and women.
  • Be aware of the social problems that exist in the world of sport, such as bullying and sexual violence, and have strategies and resources to address them.

Working methodology

The methodology of the subject will be carried out combining face-to-face classroom time with autonomous work time, with the support of the virtual learning environment. The percentage of time the student spends is distributed as follows:





Face-to-face sessions in the classroom


Theoretical exhibitions with audiovisual support, group work, debates, presentations by students

G1, G2, G5, G7, G12, T3,
T5, T7, T8, T9,
E2, E6.

Guided and autonomous work



Personal study, information searches (bibliography, webography), guided work (questionnaires, wikis, debates, forums), problem solving, video capsules

CB2, CB3, CB5,
G1, G11,
T1, T3, T4, T6, T7, T8, T9,

As a reminder, the weekly load is distributed as follows:

  •  3 hours per week (average) of theoretical face-to-face sessions (distributed in 4 hours a week, 2 hours the next and so on).
  •  3 hours a week of guided learning (distributed in 4 hours a week, 2 hours the next and so on).
  •  9 hours a week of non-contact autonomous learning.

The total hours of student dedication will be 150 hours. during the quarter. 


HISTORY of physical activity and sport

  1. The body and movement in the civilizations of antiquity.

Prehistory, Greece, Rome, Middle Ages.

  1. The genesis of sport, physical education and modern physical activity.

English sportsmanship.

Gymnastic models in Europe (German, Swedish, French, etc.).

  1. The emergence of the sporting phenomenon in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Beginning of Olympism.

Sport during fascism.


SOCIOLOGY of physical activity and sport

  1. The Sports Network and the Information Society.


  1. Economy and work order.

Sports Globalization. Glocalization.

Labor market in the segment of physical activity and sport.

  1. Socialization.

Sports socialization and socialization through sport. Socializing agents.

Social groups and sports practice.

The language.


Sports habits.

  1. Violence, socialization and sport
  2. Informationalism, technology and sport.

       Informational paradigm. Redefining sports practice.

  1. Media: power and production.

Mass media and mass self media. Social Networks.

  1. Politics and sport. .

Global and local policies. Sport, noopolitics and real politics.

  1. Identity and sport.

       Gender, class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion.

  1. Gender and sport
  2. Great sporting events and sports tourism.

Sports mega-events. 


Learning activities

The activities of the subject follow the system of continuous evaluation, that is to say, that throughout the term the teacher proposes several activities, that the students must solve and deliver. The work of each one of the activities allows to value to the student, the follow-up that does to the asignatura and the elements of improvement, from the comments and notes that the professor will do of the activities.

The proposed activities can be individual or in work groups. The teacher gives the instructions so that the students can elaborate and deliver them.


Evaluation system

The final grade of the student is the result of a continuous assessment through different assessment activities. The pass of the subject is obtained with a grade equal to or higher than 5 points (out of 10 points) according to the following weighting table:

0 - 4,9: Suspended

5,0 - 6,9: Approved

7,0 - 8,9: Notable

9,0 - 10: Excellent

The acquisition of skills by the student will be assessed through the system of continuous assessment.

The following describes the assessment activities, the competencies involved, and the weighting in the assessment.

Evaluation Activity


Assessed skills

 Group work


CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, G1, G2, G5, G7, G11, G12, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, E2, E6 

 Individual projects


CB2, CB3, CB4, G1, G12, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, E2, E6. 

 Final subject work  30% CB2, CB3, CB4, G1, G12, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, E2, E6. 



All activities must have a grade equal to or higher than 5 points to average and that the continuous assessment is considered suitable. Suspended activities in first correction opt for reassessment. 

La total grade of the subject will come from the sum of the weighted mark of each evaluation activity (individual and group).

In order for the continuous assessment to be considered suitable and thus avoid taking the resit exam, the overall mark of each student must be higher than 5 points. In the resit exam the maximum mark will be a 5. 

In case of suspending the continuous evaluation for the non-realization of the works, the student does not have the right to recovery and will suspend the subject.

The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.


The exam in the recovery period will be in writing and will include the whole set of contents worked on during the school period. The structure of the exam will be reported in advance.



MILLER, T., LAWRENCE, G., McKAY, J. and ROWE, D. (2001). “Globalization and Sport”, London: Sage Publications 

GARCIA FERRANDO, M., PUIG, N., LAGARDERA, F., LLOPIS, R., VILANOVA, A. (comps.) (2017) "Sociology of sport", Madrid, Alianza editorial, (the university book). 4th edition.


Magazines: Journal of Sport and Social Issues, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sociology of Sport Journal, European Journal of Sport and Society, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas., Revista Española de Sociología, Revista Internacional de Sociología. Spanish Association for Social Research Applied to Sport (AEISAD) European Association for the Sociology of Sport North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Center for Sociological Research

CROTEAU & HOYNES, (2000). "Media Society. Industries, Images, and Audiences." Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press.

ELIAS, N. & DUNNING, E. (1992). "Sport and leisure in the process of civilization." Mexico: Economic Culture Fund.

GARCÍA FERRANDO, M. (2006). "Postmodernity and sport: between individualization and overcrowding. Survey on sports habits of Spaniards, 2005", Madrid, Consejo Superior de Deportes, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.

MOSQUERA, MJ; GAMBAU, V .; SÁNCHEZ MARTÍN, R .; PUJADAS, X. (2003). "Sport and postmodernity", Madrid, Esteban Sanz Librerias Deportivas, SL (Social Research and Sport, 6).

European Union (2005). "Sports habits of the European population"

VIÑAS, J. & PÉREZ, M. (2014). "The labor market in the context of sport in Catalonia". Barcelona: INDIA

CASTELLS, M. (2011). "The information age", Madrid, Alianza editorial, vol.I "La sociedad red", updated edition.

MANDELL, R. (1986). "Cultural history of sport". Barcelona: Ed. Bellaterra.

MAZA, G. (2002). "Sport and its role in the mechanisms of social reproduction of the foreign immigrant population." Notes. Physical Education and Sport (68), 58-66. International Sociology of Sport Association

PUIG, Núria, ed. (2002). "Sport and immigration", monograph Notes. Physical education and sports, (68).

PUJADAS, X. & SANTACANA, C. (1995). "Illustrated history of sport in Catalonia (Vol. I and II)". Barcelona: Columna.

VILANOVA, A .; CASILLO, J .; FRAILE, A. et al. (Eds) (2009) "Sport, health and the environment for a sustainable society". Madrid: Esteban Sanz (Social Research and Sport, 9).

HEINEMANN, K. (1999). "Sociology of voluntary organizations. The example of the sports club", Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, Spanish Association for Social Research Applied to Sport.

PUIG, N .; VIÑAS, J. (2003). "Guide to determine the sports habits of the population of the municipalities of the province of Barcelona", Barcelona, ​​Diputació de Barcelona. You can find it on the Internet: (sports / management / research and training)

DUNNING, E. (2003). "The sports phenomenon. Sociological studies around sport, violence and civilization", Paidotribo, Barcelona.