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Some of the readings and most of the viewings that will take place during the course are in English.
E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components
E6_Design, plan and perform with multicamera, live and on set, according to all facets of the product (both in the artistic design and content and in the technique)
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
The subject belongs to the field of image, technique and content creation. The various topics covered in the course are designed to train students for learning and using various cameras and main accessories, and understanding their technology. The skills to be developed are the audiovisual gaze, working in a group, solving problems with initiative, creating content based on an audiovisual narrative and knowing how to work with a professional video camera.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
At the end of the course the student must be able to:
LO1: Understand the technology of the video camera and the digital environment.
LO2: Develop an audiovisual look and a critical sense of the image.
LO3: Work on video techniques in a professional way based on the recording characteristics.
LO4: Acquire theoretical-practical knowledge of the different technological and narrative tools when recording an audiovisual product.
LO5: Reflect on the camera as a discursive tool.
LO6: Make a small digital video production according to a pre-established script.
LO7: Know how to work in a team and fulfill a specific role within the group that allows them to manage with maximum efficiency.
Theoretical concepts will be presented in class by the teachers. The presentations in the theory sessions will be accompanied by screenings of films that illustrate the concepts worked on. Likewise, texts and / or articles will be used to work on these concepts.
The theoretical sessions will be 2 hours / week.
In the practical activities the manipulation of the audiovisual material will be carried out. Practices are a fundamental part of the classes, as they serve to show in a tangible and direct way the theoretical concepts taught in class. The internships will increase their level of complexity and consequently, the requirement in their quality and in their delivery time will be affected. Therefore, the commitment on the part of the students when delivering the audiovisual materials on time is basic.
The practical sessions will be 2 hours / week.
This course, due to the situation generated by COVID, some of the large group sessions will be done either online or in hybrid format: face-to-face and online (via streaming). This will allow students to rotate to face-to-face classes, respecting the maximum number of students per classroom imposed by the distance measures. When they do not have a face-to-face session, they will be able to follow the class online from home.
With regard to internship sessions in smaller spaces (such as laboratories, studios or sets), where appropriate, work will be carried out simultaneously in several spaces in order to ensure that the conditions established by the safety protocols are met.
Contents large group sessions (2 hours per week)
T1. Technology and digital parameters
1.1. Digital technology: from analog to digital
1.2. Digital parameters
1.3. Digital image formation
1.4. Gamma curves and LUT's
T2. Morphology of the camera and digital cameras
2.1. Camera morphology
2.2. Camera and monitoring accessories
T3. Digital cameras
3.1. Types of current cameras: home, smartphone, prosumer, professionals, cinematography
Contents small group sessions (2 hours per week)
P1. Operation and organization for the assembly of camera equipment
P2. Basic camera settings: Shutter Speed, White Balance, Dynamic Range
P3. Workflow on camera equipment
P4. Signal processing
P5. Stabilization and operation of moving camera I: mechanical stabilization
P6. Advanced recording with Smartphone
P6. Stabilization and operation of moving camera II: stabilization in hand
P7. The still camera and the movement: operate the camera.
P8. Dialectic of the plane-counterplane
P9. Recovery and deepening in concepts of the course: recording with external monitor
The learning activities are:
Expository classes
Presentation of the theoretical contents in the theory / large group sessions, accompanied by viewings and / or readings.
These activities are related to G2 competences and learning outcomes RA1, RA2, RA4, and RA5.
Short tests
Two test tests throughout the course to consolidate aspects worked so far in the large group sessions.
These activities are related to G2 competences and learning outcomes RA1, RA2, RA4, and RA5.
Oral presentations / Group work
Presentation by students (in groups) of a topic related to T3.
These activities are related to G2 competences and RA1 and RA4 learning outcomes.
Theoretical exam
Individual test related to the contents covered throughout the course.
These activities are related to G2 competences and learning outcomes RA1, RA2, RA4, and RA5.
Internships / Small group
Practical sessions are mandatory. They will take place on set and, occasionally, outdoors.
The rules to be followed and the deadlines for carrying them out will be reported.
It is necessary to be punctual during internships.
These activities are related to competences E5, E6, T2 and G2 and learning outcomes RA1, RA3, RA4, RA5, RA6 and RA7.
Audiovisual projects (Group work)
Audiovisual projects (a total of 3) are related to small frup practices. They will be delivered via e-mail with a link on Youtube or Vimeo on the day of delivery marked by the teacher. The emails will always have the title of the internship in addition to the components that make up the working group sorted alphabetically by their last name and the project report. Any Activity that does not comply with these rules or that is delivered out of date will not be qualified.
These activities are related to competences E5, E6, T2 and G2 and learning outcomes RA1, RA3, RA4, RA5, RA6 and RA7.
All written activities will take spelling into account. A serious misconduct or several minor ones will mean not being able to obtain more than 5 of maximum mark in the exercise or to suspend it.
In case of confinement, they will change evaluative aspects related to the practical projects that will be reported throughout the course.
The evaluation of the subject is separated between theoretical content and practical exercises.
The theoretical content will be evaluated in two main tests. A final written test and a written work accompanied by an oral presentation. In addition, two tests will be carried out in two theoretical sessions characterized by being short-lived.
An activity not carried out will be equivalent to a 0 of numerical mark. To be able to average, the mark of the theoretical exam will be at least a 5.
In case of failing the subject, the recovery will consist of a theoretical examination of all the content of the subject that will average with the average note of the practices. The minimum grade to average with practice must be a 5.
Only those students who have taken the final exam can qualify for recovery. In case of going to recovery, the minimum mark of the exam to average with the practices will have to be of a 5, otherwise the subject will be suspended. The internship grade will not be saved from one course to another.
In case of not obtaining more than 4 in the total of the practices, the asignatura will remain suspended without possibility of recovery.
Delivery Audiovisual project 1: 10% of the grade.
Delivery Audiovisual project 2: 15% of the grade.
Delivery Audiovisual project 3: 25% of the grade.
Classroom tests: 5% (2,5% each)
Oral presentation: 10% of the grade.
Final Theoretical Exam: 35% of the mark.
In case of confinement, only evaluative aspects related to the characteristics of the practical projects will change which will be reported throughout the course.
Bordwell, David; Thompson, Kritin. The art of cinema. Barcelona: Paidos, 1995.
Carrasco, Jorge. Digital cinema and television: Technical manual. Barcelona: University of Barcelona, 2010.
Ascher, S. & Pincus, E. The filmmaker's handbook. A comprehensive guide to the digital age. New York: Plume, 2012.
Stump, David. Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques, and Workflows. Burlington: Focal Press, 2014.
Burum, Stephen. American Cinematographer manual. Volume I. California: ASC Press, 2007.
Aumont, Jaques. The theories of filmmakers. The conception of the cinema of the great directors. Barcelona: Paidós, 2012.
Burum, Stephen. American Cinematographer Manual. Volume II. California: ASC Press, 2007.
Romaguera I Ramió, Joaquim; Alsina Thevenet, Homer. Cinema texts and manifestos. Aesthetics. Schools. Movements. Disciplines. Innovations. Madrid: Cátedra, 2010.
Carlson, Sylvia; Carlson, Verne. Professional camera manual. Madrid: IORTV, 2000.
Bazin, André. What is cinema? Madrid: Rialp, 2012