Next July 3, the seventh edition of the mobility dialogues organized by this organization will be held in the park.

IN-MOVE by Railgrup and the TecnoCampus Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement to boost and promote training, innovation and the co-creation of projects linked to sustainable mobility and multimodal logistics. The agreement establishes a minimum collaboration framework of four years to guarantee the development of the projects that are promoted.

The two entities will jointly design, plan, organize and disseminate all kinds of events and activities for the transfer of knowledge and the promotion of technology; the creation of consortia will be encouraged to promote projects financed through European calls; and an observatory of citizen-level mobility data will be proposed to promote strategic monitoring of the mobility sector as a whole.

The signing ceremony between the president of InMove, Isaac Albert, and the general director of TecnoCampus, Josep Lluís Checa, took place last Tuesday. On the academic side, it is also planned to work with the Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability, the degree and master's degree in Logistics and Maritime Business and the permanent training center Hub4T, all promoted by TecnoCampus. A first manifestation of the agreement is the celebration on July 3 of the seventh edition of the Mobility Dialogues, promoted by IN-MOVE by Railgrup, which will focus on people and their relationship with the city.

Carlos Moreno, one of the world's most influential urban planners and mobility experts, will present the most innovative and risky ideas. The program is completed by a workshop to learn how to find talent and with a gender perspective, with the celebration of the general assembly of the cluster and with networking activities. Carlos Moreno is an expert in creating resilient urban environments and promoting smart mobility. It also highlights his passion for improving people's quality of life through urban planning and the integration of innovative technologies.

Professor at the University of the Sorbonne, he is scientific adviser to the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo; he was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor in 2010 by the Republic of France; and in 2019 he received the Prospective Medal of the French Academy of Architecture, Moreno is the author of the concept of "The city of 15 minutes", which raises the need to make cities more livable and generate proximity services that reduce polluting transports as much as possible. This concept has become a recurrent recommendation by the United Nations. His keynote, which will be presented and conducted by Ana Solá, CEO of Cinesi, will focus on the idea of ​​"The inclusive city of 15 minutes", but there will also be numerous references to his recent book The Revolution of Proximity.

The program will be completed with a co-creation workshop among attendees with the challenge of finding female talent, that is, looking for formulas to boost female careers in the transport sector. The activity will be designed and directed by Connecting Brains. The annual general assembly, the presentation of the Cluster it awards, a cooperative game of clues and a networking lunch complete the agenda of a session that counts on the collaboration of Siemens Mobility and Tram.