It will be held on July 13 with the aim of finding funding for start-ups

The TecnoCampus and Economistes Ban (Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya) are organizing this year's Investment Day on July 13, a unique networking event for investors and entrepreneurs. The Investment Day will integrate different activities related to investment processes in startups.

The event will start with the pitch competition, in which the best university entrepreneurship projects of TecnoCampus students will be presented and an expert jury made up of investors will choose the winning project. The day will also include two more activities: the reverse pitch, where the investors themselves will make their pitch presenting the investment policy of their venture capitals or investor networks. And on the other hand, a round table with successful entrepreneurs who will explain their experience raising funding and scaling their startups; and the investment forum, where the startups with the most potential for growth, which are looking for private financing to accelerate their sales, will be exposed. To close the event, a networking space will be opened to connect and make contact between entrepreneurs and investors.