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It will take place next February 20 and 21 in relation to the Degree in Marketing and Digital Communities and the University Master's in Logistics, Supply Chain and Maritime Business.
On the 20th and 21st of February, an evaluation committee from the Catalan University Quality Agency (AQU) visits the TecnoCampus as part of the accreditation process for the Degree in Marketing and Digital Communities and the University Master's in Logistics and Maritime Business, Supply Chain and Maritime Business.
This is a periodic process that takes place every six years. During its visit, this commission will hold hearings with the various interest groups: teaching staff, technical staff, management and administration and services, students, graduates and companies that have hired students from the degrees.
If any person who has not been summoned to these hearings wants to speak to the evaluation committee, they can do so on Tuesday 20 February between 15.45pm and 16.15pm. in rooms 200-201 of the TCM1 building, in what is known as an open hearing.