They are coordinated by the Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability and are co-financed by the Catalan Waste Agency (ARC). 

The workshops held this autumn are part of the "Stop Waste" project, coordinated by the Chair of Circular Economics and Sustainability, with the co-financing of theCatalonia Waste Agency.  

The project seeks to transform the TecnoCampus into a sustainable and zero-waste space, carrying out, among other things, awareness-raising and training actions for the university community (both students and PAS or PDI).    

It is in this last line that they were carried out four workshops aimed at the whole community, and for which we had the collaboration as speakers of Joan Codina (PDI) and Raul Navas (PAS)

In the first workshop, conducted by Joan Codina and that was entitled: “3D printing for the creation of spare parts”, Treated the combination of the strategies of repair of products (extension of useful life) with the implementation of new technologies of additive impressesion.  

The second workshop, conducted by the SIT technician Raul Navas, was entitled "It gives more life to the computer”, And in this case the different strategies that can be applied to computers, supposedly obsolete, were shown in order to make simple updates (of hardware and software) and available to all users who can improve their performance. and shelf life. 

These two workshops have provided TecnoCampus students and workers with strategies and tools for repair and reuse, extending the useful life of products that are often discarded and generate waste that could be avoided. 

Link to the youtube videos of the day:

3D printing workshop

Workshop + computer life

Gallery d'imatges


The TecnoCampus is hosting the Recuwaste international congress this week


The first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum will discuss the continent's future challenges on May 13