Last Thursday, April 21, thespeed dating Digital Talent, which brought together companies in the TecnoCampus ecosystem who are actively seeking digital talent with trained digital professionals such as FrontendDeveloper and JavaDeveloper

The companies were able to interview these professionals, who have participated in the high-level digital specialization courses developed by TecnoCampus' permanent training department, HUB4T. The assessment by the companies was very positive due to the agile dynamic format of the day and the possibility of meeting with more than twenty potential candidates with qualified technical profiles. Most companies have expressed interest in contacting various candidates and launching selection processes. The participating companies were Build38, Doole Health, Epinium, Esed, Incod, Inviertis Nextret, Patterson and Pixup.


TecnoCampus hosts Mobile Week events


The first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum will discuss the continent's future challenges on May 13