Students take the first exams

Today, Wednesday, September 1, activity began in the new TecnoCampus university building, located in Rengle Park. At 9 a.m., coinciding with the return to work of many workers, especially those at the university level, a presentation was made by the President of the Foundation, Alícia Romero, and the Director General, Anthony Uix A tour of the facilities was then carried out.

But who really started the course today are the EUM students, who opened the new classrooms of the TecnoCampus to take the September exams, from today until the 10th. On September 13th, however, formally begins the course by the students of the EUPMt (linked to the UPC), and at the end of September the students of the EUM and the ESCS (linked to the UPF) will be added.

Regarding the two towers, TCM1 and TCM2, a first transfer of the TCM offices and the companies that will be installed there is planned from 1 October.

Check out the news in the media here:

News that appeared in Punt i l'Avui.

News on Catradio: first cut and second cut.



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