Dr. Daniel Torres submit to IV International Congress on Film Analysis the communication "The effect-silence as an inducer of false television interaction." The paper is presented in the New Digital Speeches section. Dr. Torras' work explains how children's television series have recently incorporated a space of false interaction with their audience, with children. In this discursive space, the boys and girls exclaim the solution to the question posed to them by a fictional character. Dr. Torras argues that the inclusion of an audiovisual silence of the effect-silence typology is key to the effectiveness of this false interaction. At the same time, it is raised whether the use of this pseudo-participation space is an adaptation and a response to the growing use and popularity of the Internet and other interactive platforms.

Under the heading "New trends and hybridizations of audiovisual discourses in contemporary digital culturea”, The Congress is organized by the Universitat Jaume I and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and takes place from Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 on the campus of the UJI of Castellón de la Plana.


The Creatic Awards are open, an opportunity for the best entrepreneurial initiatives


The first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum will discuss the continent's future challenges on May 13