The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech) is launching the 1st edition of the Contest: STUDY and ENTERPRISE at the UPC!

This initiative, which is part of the 2011 actions of the Innova - UPC Program, aims to contribute to fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and culture of innovation among students at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


- The projects must incorporate some technological and / or innovative element.
- Teams must be made up of a maximum of 4 people - at least one UPC student.

3 prizes of € 2.500 will be awarded to evaluate the viability of the project presented by the entrepreneurial team.

The Business Ideas Competition is organized by the UPC's Innova Program and has the support of the Ministry of Education.

To participate, check out the basics and calendar here. Registration has already begun and the deadline is April 6, 2011.


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