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Last December 20, the signing of the collaboration agreement between the company Beckhoff and the TecnoCampus took place. Those attending the event on behalf of the company were Miquel Coca, Account Manager of Beckoff Automation, representing Xavier Martos, general manager of Beckhoff Automation. On behalf of TecnoCampus, Josep Lluís Checa, general director, attended; Julián Horrillo, director of the Technology department; Joan Triadó, industrial engineering coordinator, and professor Josep López Xarbau.
This agreement includes the transfer by Beckhoff of technical equipment valued at €35.000 so that the students of the TecnoCampus in the field of engineering can make use of it in their internships and final degree projects. For its part, the TecnoCampus will make use of this material and put the sponsorship name on one of the TecnoCampus laboratories.