The project Yes We Rent! which transforms the housing rental market, promoted by the Mataró City Council and in which the TecnoCampus participates, walks away with the award in the category of fair financing for housing affordability. The awards were presented in Helsinki as part of the 3rd International Festival of Social Housing.


The project Yes We Rent! has won the award in the category of fair financing for housing affordability at the European Responsible Housing Awards, which recognise best practices and the most innovations in the area of public housing in Europe.

The awards ceremony took place on June 16 as part of the 3rd International Festival of Social Housing, which has been held in Helsinki since Tuesday. Yes We Rent!, the project that aims to transform the housing rental market in Mataró, competed against an affordable housing project for university graduates in the Polish city of Poznan, a non-profit social housing project in Tuzla ( Bosnia and Herzegovina), and an environmentally friendly public housing project in the neighbourhood of Svartlamon in Trondheim (Norway).

The jury, made up of 15 housing experts from the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the Tenants' Union, as well as CSR experts from other sectors, valued the innovation of a project that, through a cooperative formula and based on the social economy, wants to provide new solutions to the shortage of affordable rental in the city and offer rents below market price. The European Responsible Housing Awards began in 2014 as an initiative funded by the European Union and focused on corporate social responsibility in the social and affordable housing sector. Mataró competed in this edition against a total of 70 proposals from 20 different countries.

Launched in 2018, one of the main purposes of Yes We Rent! is to transform the housing rental market in Mataró by offering tenants access to affordable housing with social and solidarity values. The project aims to give new life to vacant homes in the city and encourage the citizens of Mataró to have greater access to housing by offering rents below market price. The project is currently enjoying a significant impact in Mataró and has about seventy members and there are already others on the waiting list to access new cooperative rental housing.

The number of owners who have made their flats available to the cooperative has crossed the fifty mark and in most cases the intention is to perpetuate the collaboration with Bloc Cooperatiu beyond the date of the current contracts. Those responsible for the project emphasise that Yes We Rent! wants to address the rules of the rental market to achieve fairer rental conditions between landlords and tenants.


Screening of the first two pieces of the documentary "Històries del Punt"


The first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum will discuss the continent's future challenges on May 13