The TecnoCampus is one of the entities in the territory that collaborates with theEDhack Mataró. It will be held next October 20 and 21 the GEM school, dedicated to digital equity, under the coordination of the Jaume Bofill Foundation. It is a two-day event where participants from various backgrounds will meet, collaborate and co-create proposals through an innovative methodology. 

The organizers define it as a learning opportunity, collaboration with training recognition and two awards for two projects. Participating in Edhack ensures the learning of a method centered on the design thinking to promote projects; contacts with other people and professionals with whom to share concerns and projects. 

In addition to the advice of a team of renowned mentors and the support of a team of facilitators who are experts in the methodology, at the end of the sessions a training accreditation of 16 hours in design-thinking, and the advice and mentorship award for two projects. 

The purpose is to make Mataró an ecosystem of digital equity. For this reason, two itineraries have been created (Digital Well-being and Promotion of digital social entrepreneurship) with various challenges to which solutions must be found. There will be two working days, Friday afternoon (17:00 p.m. to 20:30 p.m.) and Saturday (08:30 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.) where the teams can turn their ideas into reality with the direct advice of the facilitators and the 'mentors' expertise.

At the end of the day on Saturday, a jury will deliberate on the winning projects. The organization will provide water and drinks, in addition to breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Anyone over the age of 16 who wants to be part of the change can participate. Motivated people, eager to learn new ways of thinking and doing and, above all, to meet people with the same concerns. 

Gallery d'imatges


The TecnoCampus and the Mataró City Council, awarded again by the Provincial Council of Barcelona for the Reempresa program


Evix, selected as one of the finalist companies in the Social Innovation Awards of the Mapfre Foundation