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Last Thursday, November 12, the TecnoCampus brought together the degree students with the best record among all those who have accessed the center this year to present them with a Talent scholarship, awarded jointly by the Pompeu Fabra University and the TecnoCampus. In addition, at the event, other scholarships were also awarded to first-year undergraduate and master's students, and recognition of the best records among all those who finished their studies last year.
The event was held in the Foyer of the Congress Center and brought together a hundred people including students and family members. In addition to the Talent scholarships, new students were also given the scholarships to high-level athletes, awarded by the TecnoCampus and the Futsal and CN Mataró clubs, and the Universitat Empresa scholarships, awarded by the Aqua Hotel company . As for the master's degrees, the Impulsa scholarships, which are called by the TecnoCampus, and the Fecunmed scholarship, which is awarded by this medical center, were awarded. Academic excellence is a common feature of all these grants and recognitions.
The event, chaired by the mayor and president of the TecnoCampus, David Bote, also had the participation of the UPF representative on the board of directors of the university center, Pelegrí Viader, and the general director of the TecnoCampus, Josep Lluís Checa, in addition to the addresses of the TecnoCampus university center and the various departments that make it up.
In this link you can consult the complete list of awards and scholarships awarded. And in this one, the photos of the event.