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Professor Alba Pardo has participated as a speaker, to present the healthy and sustainable campus project, at 1st Healthy Business Congress of Catalonia, organized by undesired, an organization of which the TecnoCampus is a member due to the fact that it provides degree and master's training related to the world of sport. Indescat is a Catalan sports industry cluster, a private non-profit organization that brings together companies and organizations linked to the world of sports.
On Wednesday, November 20, Igualada held the 1st edition of the Healthy Business Congress of Catalonia. The event, organized by Associació Corporativa Empresa Saludable (ACES) and which has the collaboration of INDESCAT (along with Igualada City Council, the health group Avanta Salud and the Umivale-Activa mutual). The congress brought together technicians, entrepreneurs and experts to address central and current aspects of the healthy company strategy and the challenges that must be managed by the productive world in the immediate future. The program included three main presentations/debates: "Healthy habits in the company", coordinated by INDESCAT; "Healthy company and absenteeism, an opportunity", coordinated by mutual Umivale-Activa; and "Emotional well-being and psychosocial risks", coordinated by Avanta Salud.