Last December, the TecnoCampus, as part of its business internationalization support service, carried out a business mission in Florida, in order to accompany companies willing to explore the American market.

Doole Health, ESED Cybersecurity and Anima Design were the companies selected to participate and had a personalized agenda with key contacts to explore their business in the target market. In addition, the mission also included visits to leading innovation centers such as the visit to the Alan Levan Center or Florida Atlantic University, presentations with market experts and successful entrepreneurs, which allowed us to grasp trends and establish potential synergies with relevant players in the Florida ecosystem. 

The mission had the collaboration of ACCIÓ's foreign office in Miami and the Research Park of Florida Atlantic University, with which the TecnoCampus has had a softlanding agreement since 2012. The three companies have highly valued positively this first exploration of the market, as well as the results obtained and the support and accompaniment received by TecnoCampus. His will is to advance this process of internationalization in the United States during this 2024.


Collaboration agreement between the company Beckhoff and the TecnoCampus


The Video Games and Interactive Applications degree, protagonist in the 30 minutes program of 3Cat