Yesterday, Thursday 21 October, the start of the cycle took place Economy and Values, organized by Revista Valors together with the Fundació Bufí i Planas. And it started strong: more than 350 people, mostly students, attended the conference on creativity offered by the well-known publicist Lluís Bassat.

Bassat, groundbreaking from the start, gave a lecture focused on his experience over all these years working in advertising. Bassat views creativity as a “doing things differently, and better,” even though there is no exact definition of what it is. In fact, he used several examples to show innovation and "doing different things": the miniskirt, Picasso's cubism, the roundabout or the Guggenheim in Bilbao have been groundbreaking and innovative elements.

The most emotional moment was when he explained how he was in charge of the opening ceremony of the Barcelona Olympic Games in 1992.

The Economics and Values ​​cycle will take place on the last Thursday of each month.


The Creatic Awards are open, an opportunity for the best entrepreneurial initiatives


The first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum will discuss the continent's future challenges on May 13