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Professors Miguel Guillén and Eloi Serrano, members of the Chair of Social Economy at TecnoCampus, have just published an article on social economy and artificial intelligence in the latest issue of the CIDOB Journal of International Affairs, under the title "Oportunidades desde the social economy in the fight against AI threats". The work explains that social economy companies cannot renounce the use of artificial intelligence (AI), but the key to this use would lie in promoting a development of AI according to the values of the own social economy, putting people at the center of economic activity.
The article argues that this business model could play an important role in the democratization of AI, developing its activities based on principles such as ethics, justice, democratic management, equity, sustainability and advocacy of the interests of people, communities and societies, beyond economic benefits. Considering this premise, the article examines the threats of the current development of AI and proposes some opportunities offered by the social economy so that this development starts from more ethical and democratic criteria and the development of this new technology does not remain only in the hands of a few companies.
The cited article has been published in number 138 of the CIDOB Journal of International Affairs, December 2024, a monograph entitled "Algorithmic inequality: governance, representation and rights in AI", and is coordinated by Carme Colomina, Daniel Innerarity and Marta Cantero. The issue aims to contribute to the public discussion about the challenges of a democratic AI. Based on specific cases, he reflects on algorithmic governance and the risks involved in AI without firewalls. It aims to offer its own, complex and heterogeneous look at the debate on how and why it is urgent to democratize AI. Created in 1982, the CIDOB Journal of International Affairs is a quarterly publication on international relations, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.