El Friday On June 30, the 7th edition of the TecnoCampus Auditorium was held TecnoGames, an event that celebrates the best works of students from the Projects II and Projects III subjects of the Video Game Design and Production Degree.

On Friday, June 30, the 7th edition of the TecnoGames was held in the TecnoCampus Auditorium, an event that celebrates the best works of students from the Projects II and Projects III subjects of the Degree in Design and Production of Videogames.

The event was attended by students, teachers and family members, and 7 awards were presented: Best 2nd year project, Best Design Award, Technical Excellence Award, Best Art Award, Best Sound Recording Award (a work done in collaboration with students of the Degree in Audiovisual Media), Audience Award and Best Video Game Award for the Industry. The winners were chosen by the teachers of the subjects, by popular vote among the students in the case of the Audience Award and by the developer Susana Medina, lead game designer at Scopely, in the case of the Best Video Game Award for the Industry. Winners were awarded Steam Digital Store Cards.

The Projects subjects are transversal subjects that include all the knowledge of design, art and programming that students have acquired throughout the course. And in the case of Projects III, also production knowledge. Students, mostly in groups of five or six, create, design and develop a video game. And they do this in a record time of 10 weeks. All of this makes teamwork a core value in these subjects, without neglecting the responsibilities of each member of the team, each with an assigned role. The teachers of Projects II are Jordi Arnal, Paolo Gambardella and Albert Ramón López. Those from Projects III, Dani Candil, Rafa González and Javier Untoria. The Audio Post-production professors of the Degree in Audiovisual Media are Antoni Satué and Àngel Valverde.

The participating projects in this edition can be consulted and played in the showroom of the following grade this link.

The winners were:

Award for the Best 2nd year project: Light Hope
Authors: Pablo Escribano, Aran Piris, Ian Roche, Grazielly Sanchez, Marc Sans

Best Design Award: Axo
Authors: Hodei Otegi González, Víctor Hernando Mata, Arnau Oliveras Ferrer, Elisabeth Alzueta Barea, Marc Lloret Dempere, Alex Romera Mercenario, Marina Codony Lleonart

Technical Excellence Award: Axo
Authors: Hodei Otegi González, Víctor Hernando Mata, Arnau Oliveras Ferrer, Elisabeth Alzueta Barea, Marc Lloret Dempere, Alex Romera Mercenario, Marina Codony Lleonart

Best Art Award: Riddle Manor
Authors: Gerard Coquard, Jan de Nobel, Lluc Parera, Cora Real, Raúl Ruiz, Pascal Sastre, Héctor Vergel

Award for Best Sound: Axo
Authors: Hodei Otegi González, Víctor Hernando Mata, Arnau Oliveras Ferrer, Elisabeth Alzueta Barea, Marc Lloret Dempere, Alex Romera Mercenario, Marina Codony Lleonart

Audience Award: Axo
Authors: Hodei Otegi González, Víctor Hernando Mata, Arnau Oliveras Ferrer, Elisabeth Alzueta Barea, Marc Lloret Dempere, Alex Romera Mercenario, Marina Codony Lleonart

Best Video Game Award for the Industry: Riddle Manor
Authors: Gerard Coquard, Jan de Nobel, Lluc Parera, Cora Real, Raúl Ruiz, Pascal Sastre, Héctor Vergel

Gallery d'imatges


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