Last Wednesday, December 4, the Cybersecurity Conference was held at the Tecnocampus, which brought together industry experts, companies and institutions to discuss the main cyber threats and how to deal with them. 

The cyber security expert companies that participated in the presentations are Level4, ESED, Scud Security, Ingram Micro and Rockwell Automation, in addition to key institutions such as the Agència Catalana de Cyberseguretat and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in addition to the Tecnocampus and the City Council of Llinars del Vallès.

About seventy attendees were able to learn first-hand about real cases of cybercrime and practical solutions for business protection. The main objective of the day was to make companies aware of the importance of integrating cyber security as a fundamental pillar in their digitization strategy.

In a context where cyber-attacks are increasing exponentially, especially against small and medium-sized companies, the session emphasized the serious consequences that can result, such as the theft of sensitive information or the loss of critical data. 

During the event, he was presented counseling program subsidized by the Diputació de Barcelona and the TecnoCampus that will be launched in 2025 to help companies strengthen their digital defenses.


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