The company located at the TecnoCampus and specialized in the analysis of gene expression using Artificial Intelligence (AI), has announced the release of Beyond You.

This new brand, which is accompanied by a digital platform, will provide health professionals with personalized information to optimize the diagnosis and treatments of patients. 

Exheus is a spin-off from the Sant Pau Hospital Research Institute, the UPC and Summit SL incubated at the Venture Builder The Collider, a pioneer in research and development of advanced genetic technology. The company participated in the StartHealth program for accelerating companies in the field of health that drives the TecnoCampus.

Exheus was also the winner of the Creative Award in the 19th edition. With the application of artificial intelligence and data science, the company has developed a genetic test unique in the world, which allows to measure the expression levels of genes associated with metabolic health, the state of the systems of the organism, longevity and the inflammatory state. 

With the new digital transcriptomics platform based on mRNA analysis, healthcare professionals can gain control over a whole range of precision biomarkers to streamline diagnosis and monitor the treatment of patients in a personalized way.


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The first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum will discuss the continent's future challenges on May 13